Information science is about the management of information whilst computer science is about, well, computers! With the evolution of computers as the core of information processing, the subject has become more and more about how to use computers (automation) to manage information. There is the distinction, computer science is about the engineering of computers whilst information science/Informatics is about the use of automation (computers included) to manage information.
In my opinion, we are moving from the stage where computers were the centre of the business to a more business oriented nature, i.e. how can computers help the business, by looking more at information (which is the business), information sciences prepares you for this. If you wish to have a more business oriented as opposed to techie tag, then, information science is for you.
I find that IS graduates are more versatile and are able to communicate, integrate and be part of 'management' more easily, perhaps their more rounded (read generalised) training does this.
Comp science graduates on the other hand are essentially engineering graduates and form the hard core IT persons behind the curtain, able to get things running but (a stereotype here) not able to elucidate their needs and align them to the business, but hey, it all depends what you want.
In terms of money, comp science graduates normally get hired faster but the long term career prospects (Money and promotion) are more for the IS graduate, many hard core ICT related jobs have the proverbial glass ceiling, with the highest you can raise in an organization being an IT Manager (Only 1 position per organisation) whilst if you are more versatile, you can branch out to other areas in the organisation (information, communications, programme etc) at the same IT manager level. Figure out the odds....
My Two Zim cents.
Quote:Buy when there's blood in the streets, even if the blood is your own...