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Change of a degree course
#21 Posted : Monday, September 05, 2011 9:43:37 AM
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Joined: 7/27/2008
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Information science is about the management of information whilst computer science is about, well, computers! With the evolution of computers as the core of information processing, the subject has become more and more about how to use computers (automation) to manage information. There is the distinction, computer science is about the engineering of computers whilst information science/Informatics is about the use of automation (computers included) to manage information.

In my opinion, we are moving from the stage where computers were the centre of the business to a more business oriented nature, i.e. how can computers help the business, by looking more at information (which is the business), information sciences prepares you for this. If you wish to have a more business oriented as opposed to techie tag, then, information science is for you.

I find that IS graduates are more versatile and are able to communicate, integrate and be part of 'management' more easily, perhaps their more rounded (read generalised) training does this.

Comp science graduates on the other hand are essentially engineering graduates and form the hard core IT persons behind the curtain, able to get things running but (a stereotype here) not able to elucidate their needs and align them to the business, but hey, it all depends what you want.

In terms of money, comp science graduates normally get hired faster but the long term career prospects (Money and promotion) are more for the IS graduate, many hard core ICT related jobs have the proverbial glass ceiling, with the highest you can raise in an organization being an IT Manager (Only 1 position per organisation) whilst if you are more versatile, you can branch out to other areas in the organisation (information, communications, programme etc) at the same IT manager level. Figure out the odds....

My Two Zim cents.

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#22 Posted : Monday, September 05, 2011 10:59:32 AM
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kiterunner wrote:
@Mukiha, as a responsible parent it s still his problem, if my dad didnt intervene back in the day i may have ended up taking up French in KU which was i totally not for but had given up to.

Totally agree with you. And I believe it would be naive if not irresponsible for parents to use the legal age (18) to decide that their kids are adults and need to be left on their own to float or sink - people mature differently at different ages not some arbitrary set age.
He who can express in words the ardour of his love, has but little love to express. - Petrach, Son. (That men by various ways arrive at the same end. - Montaigne, The Essays of.)
#23 Posted : Monday, September 05, 2011 12:09:02 PM
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kiterunner wrote:
@Mukiha, as a responsible parent it s still his problem, if my dad didnt intervene back in the day i may have ended up taking up French in KU which was i totally not for but had given up to.

@acceril The BSc Information Science in Moi Uni is good, other colleges call the same course Library Science)

It is not BSc. Information Science it is BSc. Informatics. or they are just the same
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#24 Posted : Monday, September 05, 2011 1:48:12 PM
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Elder wrote:
kiterunner wrote:
@Mukiha, as a responsible parent it s still his problem, if my dad didnt intervene back in the day i may have ended up taking up French in KU which was i totally not for but had given up to.

Totally agree with you. And I believe it would be naive if not irresponsible for parents to use the legal age (18) to decide that their kids are adults and need to be left on their own to float or sink - people mature differently at different ages not some arbitrary set age.

As a parent, you have to be strong enough to let your children make mistakes!

If your father chooses the degree course for you, is he also going to choose a job for you.... and also a wife/husband? I mean, when will you ever learn to decide for yourself?

@kiterunner; why in the name of all things beautiful would you "give up to" take a course that you are "totally not for"?

On the flip-side, it is "totally irresponsible" for parents not to let their children make mistakes in life... even on important matters such us degree courses and life partners!
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#25 Posted : Monday, September 05, 2011 1:59:44 PM
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During my days at high school, there was only one university - UoN - but we still got 4 choices of courses. I filled the four spaces on my application form with the same course.

When I handed-in the form, the headmaster called me to the office to find out why I was "wasting my choices" with just one course. my response was something like "I am going to university to study this course; if I am not admitted for it, then I won't go".

Many years later, I became a lecturer at one of our local universities, and I used to get shocked at the sight of parents escorting their {so-called} "children" to enroll at the university. The "child" would sit clueless at the lawn as the parent rushed from office to office doing the paper-work. Gosh! Are these the leaders of tomorrow?
Nothing is real unless it can be named; nothing has value unless it can be sold; money is worthless unless you spend it.
#26 Posted : Tuesday, September 06, 2011 12:47:03 PM
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Posts: 9
After consultation with the girl, the option of reporting first(19th Sep) is better as adviced by many of the Wazua family.

The changes however rough can be persued immediately thereafter.

Incidentaly Computer science is also offered there and was within her choices.

The cluster weight is:

Choice No University Degree Code Degree Cluster
1 (b) Kenyatta University 12115 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (Computer Science) 45.6

2 Kenyatta University 12221 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (Hospitality and Tourism Management) 46.6

Since she has equally good cluster weight for Comp science, i'm hoping the hustling for change will not be very tough.

Thanks for the Wazuan spirit of assistance.Any Wazuan with further advice will be appreciated.

#27 Posted : Sunday, September 11, 2011 11:49:34 PM
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mukiha wrote:
Elder wrote:
kiterunner wrote:
@Mukiha, as a responsible parent it s still his problem, if my dad didnt intervene back in the day i may have ended up taking up French in KU which was i totally not for but had given up to.

Totally agree with you. And I believe it would be naive if not irresponsible for parents to use the legal age (18) to decide that their kids are adults and need to be left on their own to float or sink - people mature differently at different ages not some arbitrary set age.

As a parent, you have to be strong enough to let your children make mistakes!

If your father chooses the degree course for you, is he also going to choose a job for you.... and also a wife/husband? I mean, when will you ever learn to decide for yourself?

Good point but should never be broadly applied as you had advocated.

mukiha wrote:

On the flip-side, it is "totally irresponsible" for parents not to let their children make mistakes in life... even on important matters such us degree courses and life partners!

And how does that address the concern I raised on your position above based on an arbitrary legal age?
He who can express in words the ardour of his love, has but little love to express. - Petrach, Son. (That men by various ways arrive at the same end. - Montaigne, The Essays of.)
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#28 Posted : Monday, September 12, 2011 10:30:38 AM
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How useful is a 4year Computer Science degree?

What about specialized courses and some hands on internships... if one opts to work for "free" for a year or two they get an invaluable education and you have time to decide what to do / study...
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#29 Posted : Monday, September 12, 2011 11:45:32 AM
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I was an information science major but I dropped out when I finally was in a position where if my father refused to pay for my tuition for a parallel degree program in IT/Comp Sci. I could just tell him "pia mimi naeza jilipia" ,but good thing he saw my point and well he is still responsible for my education.

Here's my opinion,the kenyan version of IS is total bull,I can tell you for a fact it's a librarianship degree course and just got renamed to IS for aesthetic purposes,nowadays they are calling librarians doing the same job as the librarians of old ati information managers/custodians yet kazi ni ile ile tu ya kupanga vitabu n its not like am hating its just that JAB tricked me and I wasted almost 2 years of my life doing this.So unless that is the target career path then achana naye.Somehow though employers still get fooled and pool together IS/IT/Comp Sci. majors in an interview room for the same job and frankly given the level of computer dandarism I saw in those classes I really dont know how some of these people get employed.

I ended up choosing IT over Comp Sci. coz well for one it was not an MIT admission so sikuwa nataka pressure and yet in that future job interview room I could see an IT major who had it easier and probably had a first class degree and only had to work half as hard as I did for my second class upper.

So unless your daughter is hardcore geeked up and by this I mean she can already write code,she should not pressure herself getting into Comp Sci.The pressure is only worth it if its MIT or Stanford and akina Berkley.
If she's fascinated with ICT,a Bsc. in IT will just be as good good and she'll probably make the cut and she'll have an easier college life trust me on that.
Also have her understand that she's only doing it for the paper coz in my year now as an IT major,I haven't learned anything that I can apply with all the money making things that I do with computers.
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