More statistics on NSE
- Sold for 12 straight weeks - even the bear trend in 2008/2009 can't beat that?!
- RSI is below 20 for the year reading 18 - bearish extreme levels... Coincidentally the RSI for elephant aka mpesa is above NSE.
The idea here is to look for stocks that are oversold more than the NSE. Those will bounce the most when the short term rebound comes.
And one of them is NBK with an RSI of 17. From the high of 46.25 in 21/02/2011 it has fallen more than 50% t0 23.50. but would you buy NBK @23.50 or NIC @31... The NBK H1 results must be really bad to tank this counter 50% down...
Interesting to note that SCB's RSI is almost catching up with NSE's...
Despite uchumi's nosedive, its RSI is yet to catch up with NSE. I'm waiting for this one at 6/- after selling immediately on re-listing. Got trapped during the infamous bankruptcy and I can hardly wait to revenge all those yrs of being stuck...
EAPC - this one is tempting, but the yen loan will kill it for a while.
Kenya RE - Interesting volume moves in Aug while the market was falling... I don't think it will tank below 7/- but we will see...
Centum... this one got dumped at 19 in late July. Very huge exit volume...
$15/barrel oil... The commodities lehman moment arrives as well as Sovereign debt volcano!