@kk - thanks for the reports.
The WSJ article below has also made my stomach go into a knot spree. Markets won't wait for German's court decision on Sept 7th. The Italian bond market will seize up & liquidity drought will squeeze those euro banks on the edge... Things are indeed coming to nasty head...
The greek CDS moves on friday were ugly. Already the interest for 1yr greek note is 70% meaning investors expect greece to default in 12 months. 2yr note is above 50%. Greece will be paying some bonds on Sept 22nd. With such disorderly rates, this is a goodluck & prayers moment. This country is up for auction
Update - De Germans want de financially indisciplined greeks out of de euro...
www.reuters.com/article/...ny-idUSTRE78214U20110903And should the greek default drama bomb out as expected these 2 swiss banks - UBS & CSFB will tank badly going by their LIBOR spike when trying to source USD funds...
I'm hedging using swiss francs and this is making me sweat a bit...
$15/barrel oil... The commodities lehman moment arrives as well as Sovereign debt volcano!