What you need:15k Two bedroom House (Thika road)
85k (17x5) Five secondhand good laptops – Will save on power as compared to desktops
20k (4x5) Five seats – second hand office seats in Ngara
17.5 (3.5x5) Other furniture- five office tables from kahawa wendani.
5k Internet share one modem 3k unlimited per month.
1k Electricity prepaid per month.
Total: About Kshs 148.5k
AIM: Start a writing bureau Amount can be reduced by starting with a one bedroom house (save 5k)
Start with four guys (save: seat 4k table: 3.5, comp 17k :: 24.5k)
Get a second hand modem (Save 1k)
And other areas: so good to go with 100k
But considering first two months remunerations to your guys, you need the 150k
One guy will be good in research and article writing if you are not. He/she will train the rest.
You need to give them 5k each first month as they will be in training.
When well trained (will most likely take a week.)
Do five pages per day: you earn $4 x 4 16*3(writers) 48 * 85 (to Kshs) = 4080/=
Five days a week, so on average 20 days a month: 4080*20 = 81,600/=
Each earns 20k:
Expenses ***
2nd month:
Each guy will do 10 pages per day: pay them 150 per page: you get:
10 pages * 4guys * ($4*85-150) = 7,600/=
A month-> 152,000/= Having paid them all.
And the story goes on:
Who thinks of a better idea to start small? Don't provide internet (Someone will soon be offering it free), use it yourself.
Keep it simple