theking wrote:bwenyenye wrote:Impunity wrote:Avantage:
You get 2 bob credited to your card per the number of liters you fueles on Mondays,Wednesdays,Thursdays and Satos;Then 2 bob on Teusdays and Fridays and 3 bob on Sundays.
You can plan to fuel with a discount of 5 bob if you are clever like me.
You spend more time in the fueling station than the guy using cash.You have to get out of car,pin PIN into the damn remote reader,be patient for the slow attendants and sign some funny receipts.You spend like 7 times in time.
So how/when do you claim the 2 bob on your card? My undertsanding from what you say is that I accumulate the 'points'( the 2 bobs) on the card but actually fuel at the station's pump rate?
i guess the 2 bobs will become part of the credit(money) in your card so u can use it whenever u want to fuel.
the two shillings discount on the card is sent to you at the end of the month and is based on the amount of litres you have consumed within the month not on the money you have loaded in the card.
@Impunity Im not too sure that you sign any receipts unless you have been confusing your debit/credit card for the K-Card.
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