scout_boy wrote:JasonHill apart from the scriptures ,I posted a wikipedia link.I will advise polygamy would go against such fundamental concepts such as:
1.Adam and Eve became One Flesh
2.Christ comes for One Bride(Church) to become One and live forever(That is why also the church doesn't endorse divorces easily.)Thus ,if one finds himself already in a polygamous situation
the Church cannot tell you to divorce.
3.The Father and The Son are One.
Why did David and Solomon practice polygamy and were not condemned for their actions.
IMHO,the last two revelations had not been clarified.
In addition ,Jesus who came to fulfill the Law himself not necessarily his teachings.
Though it is
Quote: a different form of love, one can love their children equally;
one can love their wives equally. Sometimes one needs more attention than others.
Absolutely not true.African polygamists will have a bigger hut for the woman they actually cherish as their wife
I'm sorry Scout_Boy, but there isn't any logic in how you are comparing the oneness of the Lord God with the "one/two-ness of monogamy". Your line of reasoning doesn't make sense; this isn't numerology, where the numbers all fit together in a pattern. Numerology, by the way, is a form of sorcery, which is declared to be a sin in the bible.
You are making a riddle out of what the bible makes simple and plain, and that is not right. That is the art of confusion, and the bible is very clear and percept.
Regarding one wife having a bigger hut/house, shall people only have one child because they might spend more money on a particular child over another? Absolutely not. And if a bigger hut is really an issue, then build identical maisonettes!
But at any rate, if you choose to be monogamous, that is your choice. For those that choose to be polygamous, as long as they follow the laws of their land, and do it as the bible has shown holy men to do it, there isn't a problem. Like I said, no "preachers" personal feelings, culture, or denomination has a heaven or hell to put anyone in.
@Impunity, tebes, and ndossy, you have made my day with that observation. I laughed out loud. Very interesting though... it seems that we still have the same issues today as we did then... so the solutions shall be the same. No cheating- make them honest women.