Normal people find themselves in a passion
a hobby
a relationship
a religion
or in something that defines them
......that gives them a sense of self
shows them who they really are
I found all these things but not me
I found myself in the burning abyss
it wasn’t until the flames from hell burned away
my façade, my ego.. and stripped away
all that I thought I was
could I see myself
I had to walk through hell
until there was only bones left
to see who I
If only I could be you
And have what you possess
My life would be much better
My worries so much less
The way you interact with folks
The way you cast your spell
If only I could be like you
My life would not be hell
I always dreamed of being you
Your family, friends, and wealth
Until the day
I read, that
You Killed yourself
The way I am