MENA... Gubberments must be cursing. That guy that snuffed his life in Tunisia sparked off a trail of unseen gunpowder... The ramifications since that event have seen gubberments become antsy not knowing what to do. Some have collapsed while others have taken a military stance and assumed their citizenry is a dark enemy. While aggression used to work, this has been quite ineffective and such aggressive gubberments are clueless to the people power & fearless approach with all the aggression.
In Europe, London showed some serious undercurrents and this is just the beginning of a euro land cocktail that has been flashing since Greeks attacked their parliament reps. Spaniards also protested. Many more will join.
But now there is another twist. The land of moses or is it david is boiling over too! This is a MENA region though separated with religious hostilities & a rich history of aggression. Last weekend Tel Aviv hosted the largest protest in Israel's history. I guess one would have to go through the bible to find out which king faced such a show. This weekend yet again in Israel, the protests now go nationwide! So has the the arab influenced the jew? And if so, the two now realize all are the same! That's one very explosive cocktail for the war machine. That palestine aggression will not be supported anymore by the jews. The arabs too will realize the same and their gubberments will not have a convincing case.
In Asia the same has been experienced and even China has faced it too. The other day it was here in Malaysia.
Europe may look like a bombshell, but MENA is the nuclear when you combine two sets that have never mixed before...
Hmmm... this reads like @kk..
$15/barrel oil... The commodities lehman moment arrives as well as Sovereign debt volcano!