Njung'e wrote:@Masukuma,
Northern Kenya is not as dry as we are meant to believe.There are huge tracts of land in such areas as Isiolo,Marsabit,Garissa,Kitui which are very productive.The only thing that we need to give this people is water and education....then we can keep our finjes for life.
cant agree more.
kwetu Londokwe , there is large tract of land .The leaders just want our people to remain illiterate and ignorant so that a kafinje come 2012 and 5 years there after can win them a job
They ensure that CDF money is managed by their men .
Their men have built palatial homes and are sorrounded by paupers.
They eat CDF and give hand outs to the ignorant few who praise them for being sonkos
what to do?
If water was harvested well in Londokwe there would be no Mwolyos(relief food) any more.
River Athi crosses through our land and drains to Indian Ocean with impunity(as in no Kamba leader can touch it) .
2012 is here.Kenya is Ours.Be Part of The Peace Keeping Mission To Protect Our Motherland.Say No To Violence and Tribal Hatred .If you can read this,wewe ni mtu amesoma, usifikirie kama mtu hajaenda shule .Ni Hayo Tu