If Identity exists; then God must necessarily exist.
This is because (human) identity necessarily entails attributes of God, and once attributes are considered then the object is presumed.
But if Identity is a totality, a oneness, it follows that not only class, tribe, or national barriers should fall, but also religious barriers should also fall once any individual is made conscious of his/her relation to the totality-the identity.
And as such, it necessarily follows that any individual conscious of Identity (‘his/her identity’ – the possession of it-) is a child – a son of ‘It’(Id?).
But ‘It’ – Identity- entails dynamism, personality . . . hence God.
Thus a son of God must necessarily exist where consciousness of Identity exists.
And there must be at least one such person-‘The person’- The son of God.
Hence if God necessarily exists, then Christ necessarily exists. And will continue to exist to eternity.
And all religion –man seeking God- dissolves into a God-Man relationship that focuses on being in oneness.
There is thus no longer Christian or Muslim; Buddhist or Taoist, but only the God-Man, being, living forever.
. . . We now have a new world folks; and necessarily so.