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#1001 Posted : Thursday, July 14, 2011 6:06:33 AM
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Swedish stock exchange raid by regulators...

$15/barrel oil... The commodities lehman moment arrives as well as Sovereign debt volcano!
#1002 Posted : Thursday, July 14, 2011 6:55:17 AM
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hisah wrote:
Malaysia... Btw the citizens were out protesting on Monday...

Geezd'oh! Hope u were no caught up in the mel'ee. All the best.
“small step for man”
#1003 Posted : Thursday, July 14, 2011 8:06:23 AM
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hisah wrote:
Ceinz wrote:
hisah wrote:
With all the action packed moves since July 5th, I've forgotten to sleep!

Gold is now at all time highs Vs the dollar, euro & pound. Is gold money smile

Another nocturnal being, I told ur 'a different ilk', btw, was that Asia I heard, kwani umekuwa Jim Rogers-Singapore.smile
Kudos on ur gold trade.

Malaysia... Btw the citizens were out protesting on Monday...

Did it have anything to do with 'Unga'?Sad
#1004 Posted : Thursday, July 14, 2011 11:14:26 AM
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youcan'tstopusnow wrote:
hisah wrote:
Ceinz wrote:
hisah wrote:
With all the action packed moves since July 5th, I've forgotten to sleep!

Gold is now at all time highs Vs the dollar, euro & pound. Is gold money smile

Another nocturnal being, I told ur 'a different ilk', btw, was that Asia I heard, kwani umekuwa Jim Rogers-Singapore.smile
Kudos on ur gold trade.

Malaysia... Btw the citizens were out protesting on Monday...

Did it have anything to do with 'Unga'?Sad

Nope, just political fairness aka democracy. I posted some links on this thread on Monday - chk the previous pg.
$15/barrel oil... The commodities lehman moment arrives as well as Sovereign debt volcano!
#1005 Posted : Friday, July 15, 2011 6:11:38 AM
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So S&P backs up Moodys threat of US debt downgrade if the debt ceiling aint raised. Dday is July 22nd for the law makers to decide. By Aug 2nd it'll be too late.

As for Greece, Aug 20th is the likely trigger.

So mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the most likely to default...
Investors will have to choose out of 2 ugly sisters (usd or euro).

I choose gold and food...

$15/barrel oil... The commodities lehman moment arrives as well as Sovereign debt volcano!
Cde Monomotapa
#1006 Posted : Friday, July 15, 2011 8:07:51 AM
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I have no doubt that the debt ceiling will be raised. But as in all, the devil is in the details. How much of both sides, Democrats & Republicans, are willing to concede to enable main-street function again...next year's political advantages aside!
#1007 Posted : Friday, July 15, 2011 8:57:54 AM
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Cde Monomotapa wrote:
I have no doubt that the debt ceiling will be raised. But as in all, the devil is in the details. How much of both sides, Democrats & Republicans, are willing to concede to enable main-street function again...next year's political advantages aside!

And a raise it will be, judging from ongoing dvpts.
“small step for man”
Cde Monomotapa
#1008 Posted : Friday, July 15, 2011 9:40:44 AM
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Ceinz wrote:
Cde Monomotapa wrote:
I have no doubt that the debt ceiling will be raised. But as in all, the devil is in the details. How much of both sides, Democrats & Republicans, are willing to concede to enable main-street function again...next year's political advantages aside!

And a raise it will be, judging from ongoing dvpts.

#1009 Posted : Friday, July 15, 2011 8:16:31 PM
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"BEIJING—In what it's describing as a magnanimous gesture toward an economy in decline, the Chinese government announced Monday it would forgive a portion of the staggering U.S. debt if..."

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Cde Monomotapa
#1010 Posted : Friday, July 15, 2011 8:30:28 PM
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karanjakinuthia wrote:
"BEIJING—In what it's describing as a magnanimous gesture toward an economy in decline, the Chinese government announced Monday it would forgive a portion of the staggering U.S. debt if..."

Read more:


LMAO!!! Gosh! This is seditious! WW3 baby!!
#1011 Posted : Saturday, July 16, 2011 8:12:34 AM
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Cde Monomotapa wrote:
karanjakinuthia wrote:
"BEIJING—In what it's describing as a magnanimous gesture toward an economy in decline, the Chinese government announced Monday it would forgive a portion of the staggering U.S. debt if..."

Read more:


LMAO!!! Gosh! This is seditious! WW3 baby!!

I've said it before that the only way out of this global debt boom is debt forgiveness. A US default will have serious damage just like when europe chips. China needs US & europe to function. Now they all realize that they also need 3rd world nations smile
A ching as the new deputy IMF MD is a major system overhaul signal. I expect more debt forgiveness going forward. 3rd world nations stand to benefit the most & also the removal of unfair trading pacts will accelerate things. Impossible! See ya in 2020 smile
$15/barrel oil... The commodities lehman moment arrives as well as Sovereign debt volcano!
#1012 Posted : Saturday, July 16, 2011 8:55:16 AM
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hisah wrote:
Cde Monomotapa wrote:
karanjakinuthia wrote:
"BEIJING—In what it's describing as a magnanimous gesture toward an economy in decline, the Chinese government announced Monday it would forgive a portion of the staggering U.S. debt if..."

Read more:


LMAO!!! Gosh! This is seditious! WW3 baby!!

I've said it before that the only way out of this global debt boom is debt forgiveness. A US default will have serious damage just like when europe chips. China needs US & europe to function. Now they all realize that they also need 3rd world nations smile
A ching as the new deputy IMF MD is a major system overhaul signal. I expect more debt forgiveness going forward. 3rd world nations stand to benefit the most & also the removal of unfair trading pacts will accelerate things. Impossible! See ya in 2020 smile

Laughing out loudly Funny article!
#1013 Posted : Saturday, July 16, 2011 12:19:05 PM
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Head & shoulders forming on S&P 500 index on long term charts. If it unravels as expected, global equity market will go into winter... That means more lows in NSE...

Compare H&S pattern with the NSE which topped out in Oct 2010.

$15/barrel oil... The commodities lehman moment arrives as well as Sovereign debt volcano!
#1014 Posted : Saturday, July 16, 2011 12:39:15 PM
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And this press release from the US Treasury says a lot...

$15/barrel oil... The commodities lehman moment arrives as well as Sovereign debt volcano!
#1015 Posted : Saturday, July 16, 2011 7:03:12 PM
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@Hisah. Market perception of a debt default will set the tone for years to come. An actual default whether in the U.S. or Europe will just fortify perception.

As a bond fund manager, you begin to weigh risk vs reward of holding sovereign debt. The game of brinkmanship in the U.S. and painting the PIIGS with lipstick is checking the risk boxes. Therefore, following the leader, which is China and shortening the maturity is one way, the other way is selling government debt in favour of high quality corporate debt.

The big kahuna investors who can see that the light at the end of the tunnel is an oncoming train are betting their socks on gold, Cando, Swiss and Aussie, and yes, the stock market (after the initial meltdown). The simple reason for the last pick is:

a)it has happened before: during the 1932 - 1937 debt crisis that saw the DJIA appreciate by 300% from the low of 41.22. Acting as a hedge to NY listed European and Latin American bonds which wiped out those that had escaped the 1929 stock market crash. The backdrop to which was above 14% unemployment and the Dust Bowl.

b)money will flow internationally to those assets that promise profit from those with the threat of default. Count debt and real estate out, leaving commodities, common stock and technology (Web 2.0 - the rise of social networking).

#1016 Posted : Sunday, July 17, 2011 6:38:30 AM
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@KK - For stocks I prefer techs and commodity stocks. If they roll down 20%+ I'll be loading up. At our NSE I'm very interested with Safaricom's pessimistic oversell. One of the cheapest banks on the planet, but few understand this statement and a tech stock to boot smile

Definitely global debt market is too poisonous to touch.

I gave up on real estate. The partial wake up call has been forgotten. The next wake up call will be interesting... KE to is looking at real estate price cool off ard Nai city... Those mortgage banks will have a story soon...

I've been overweight gold since India CB loaded bucket loads from the IMF sale. This yellow metal rally has tripled some gold stocks I play in Mexico. I listed some in this thread I think in Jan. Can't remember. Will look for that thread. If only it were possible to get into Mongolia stocks...
In fx, been a cando bull this yr, but I wish I got into swissie too (avoided it due to eurozone debt issues and a jumpy SNB). I like the idea the swiss parliament is discussing a gold backed franc.

Back to US debt. Municipal bond market treading on thin ice - http://reut.rs/p9eGj5
$15/barrel oil... The commodities lehman moment arrives as well as Sovereign debt volcano!
Cde Monomotapa
#1017 Posted : Sunday, July 17, 2011 7:16:59 AM
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[quote=hisah]@KK - For stocks I prefer techs and commodity stocks. If they roll down 20%+ I'll be loading up. At our NSE I'm very interested with Safaricom's pessimistic oversell. One of the cheapest banks on the planet, but few understand this statement and a tech stock to boot smile

Definitely global debt market is too poisonous to touch.

I gave up on real estate. The partial wake up call has been forgotten. The next wake up call will be interesting... KE to is looking at real estate price cool off ard Nai city... Those mortgage banks will have a story soon...

I've been overweight gold since India CB loaded bucket loads from the IMF sale. This yellow metal rally has tripled some gold stocks I play in Mexico. I listed some in this thread I think in Jan. Can't remember. Will look for that thread. If only it were possible to get into Mongolia stocks...
In fx, been a cando bull this yr, but I wish I got into swissie too (avoided it due to eurozone debt issues and a jumpy SNB). I like the idea the swiss parliament is discussing a gold backed franc.

Back to US debt. Municipal bond market treading on thin ice - http://reut.rs/p9eGj5[/quote]
^^when I grow up...with an Pan-african bias.
#1018 Posted : Sunday, July 17, 2011 11:05:30 AM
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@Hisah. You will notice from the ratio of Gold Miners:SPDR Gold Trust that the former has been under performing the latter to the angst of investors. Prior to 2006, gold miners took the lead over gold bullion. Whereas, the 2007 - 2008 crash caused a pause in action, the good old days of 10x appreciation of gold mining stocks are a distant memory. The burning question is why?

Markets are always right. We may not understand the market moves but with the benefit of hindsight, the causes become clear over time. One variable that changed after the 2006 food price surge was the advent of global unrest. The hot spots were the Middle East, Africa and parts of Asia. Politicians, true to form, began talk of nationalizing mines and increasing taxes on profits to placate the restless citizenry. To investors, a red flag was raised. More recently, unrest has spread with the overthrow of some political figures.

Even the most intrepid of mining executives are unsure of the unfolding situation in Africa, as we are into 4 years of drought with 3 more to go. Does that spell safety for their establishments and profits?

Mexico is in the midst of a drug war. I have good intel suggesting that it could spark off a revolution. Be careful for we are in the era of revolution until 2018.

It therefore makes perfect sense for the market to choose the gold ETF over gold mining stocks.

There may be a light at the end of the tunnel, the ratio of Gold Miners:SPDR Gold Trust Index may have bottomed in mid June along with Martin Armstrong's ECM, a bullish signal for the next 4.3 years if the low holds.

Real Estate in the Western world should decline until 2020 or 2033 at the extreme. Kenya is an outlier whose real-estate market follows its own beat. May have had a 7 year bull market (2004 - 2011) or will it extend for a 11 year rally?

Speaking of defaults, the year here is 1927: "Perhaps it was jealousy that made government feel like it was missing out on the action. After inventing the inheritance taxes, government constantly sought new ideas for innovative taxation. The Census Bureau released its calculations for real estate taxes collected during 1925 in 247 cities. The valuations for tax purposes came up to $63.5 billion. New York was valued at $12.9 billion, Philadelphia $3.9, Chicago $1.8, Boston $1.8 and Los Angles $1.3 billion. The taxes levied were $2.5 billion and the national deficit on the local level was $400 million. Only 44 cities out of 247 had collected enough in taxes to meet obligations. Many local governments continued to waste money and raised necessary funds through new bond issues. Many of these issues would go into default once the Great Depression hit. The City of Detroit’s bond issue would be one example of a default which was not redeemed until 1963." The Greatest Bull Market In History, Martin Armstrong

Notice that with the case of Alabama, Minnesota, Illinois etc, the problems started prior to the Global Financial Crisis.
#1019 Posted : Tuesday, July 19, 2011 6:06:49 AM
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@KK - yes am aware of Mexico's tensions. My risk mgmt will take care of the trades. I've been following the global unrest for a while now & more keen on MENA since it is most explosive when the fallout comes.

That 1927 comparison to today's US bond market in a similar spot is quite interesting smile
$15/barrel oil... The commodities lehman moment arrives as well as Sovereign debt volcano!
Cde Monomotapa
#1020 Posted : Tuesday, July 19, 2011 7:10:51 AM
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@hisah.. I see where u r coming from and I guess due to ur exposure to both fx and equities, charts are key to ur way of things. On my part, i'd just have to take interest as i am an equities guy and any fx is done via the banksters in my bank stocks. I have a very strong hands on business background so i get to be fond of fundies..i see u can be a hybrid of Soros & Buffet somewhat n' that's cool i'm watching U. Buffet is my Jesus in this bizna..figurd if i'm to learn from someone, why not from a top 5 made man (according to American conduits) so I drink a lot of Coke as tuition fees to the man. I share ur sentiments on the paperness of money..so i love my wealth. Case in point..in my adventures in Zim pre-2009 there were sentiments around me that when we smelt the inflexion point of the macro economy is go cash in ZWD and do ccy reverse play...I resisted and kept my stocks..come 2009, GoZ printed the last batch of ZWD, bought back all ZWD govt.paper..a month later the GoZ abandoned ZWD and adopted the USD as the functional ccy..as U can see many were left with papers of ZWD at hand & bank! Lol! I kept my stocks and they were re-denominated in USD and a happy camper I am now . I now have both a hard ccy hedge and equity portfolio all in one . Infact a resource rally is timely for Zim, with its 42 minerals, so gold,plat,palladium,nickel,diamonds,steel,coal,chrome,ferrochrome,copper (to name a few) rallying all plays into my hand via Zim and is pulling up the economy up double time i'm a living hedge fund . Set up shop in Zim in '06 so I know what zero-calorie Q.E is and how 250M% inflation follows . So u see I have patience like nobody bizness, it is surely paying. Kenya's economy is no where close to the problems i've witnessd/experiencd in pre-2009 Zim. So I am happy to buy from the hap-less of the NSE @ throw away prices.
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