Just wondering aloud,
1) These chics who are supposed to be amazing in bed, where are they supposed to have learnt these skills from? Wouldn't you as a guy wonder?
2) Instead of complaining, why not teach your woman how to please you and she in-turn teaches you how to please her, or is it just one way?
Please take this advice if there's nothing else you'll ever remember,
1) Sex is the glue to marriage most people think it's the kids but it's not. If it goes down your marriage will go down too. You're in it for a lifetime and it's private so don't be shy to experiment and work on it otherwise your marriage won't last.
2) If you venture outside things will never be the same again and your marriage is unofficially over. You can stay together for the kids though but what a terrible life.
3) Don't get married unless you're sure. Like someone asked, why buy a cow and you can get the milk for free...
BBI will solve it :)