Internships in Kenya...argh!!!
Rank: Elder Joined: 12/9/2009 Posts: 6,592 Location: Nairobi
bkismat wrote:Kudos Mukiha. Most of the replies above are no different from what the UoN students do. I think a number of you may have passed through the institution and a lot of what happens is purely due to mob psychology. Nope. It's lack of discipline. Why don't we hear of this obvious excusable mob psychology in Oxford, Harvard, Strathmore, Daystar etc? Or do they get students only from certain communities as someone tried to convince us earlier? UON, I would not hire, you need to reform. Get your student leaders to voice your grievances instead of dragging the entire campus to go shouting and stoning us. BBI will solve it :)
Rank: Elder Joined: 7/26/2007 Posts: 6,514
McReggae wrote:KulaRaha wrote:Anyways, lets see how much support UON students get at 9 pm today, after the monkeys hit the streets... Do you have any idea of the ratio of the stone throwers to the total UoN student population???? If the majority are NOT stone throwing monkeys, why dont they control the minority who are? I still will be reluctant to hire from UON...you hire them, I have better choices from other universities. perception is reality...especially when I spend 4 hours in traffic coz some monkey wanted to enter a nightclub at 3 am. Business opportunities are like buses,there's always another one coming
Rank: Elder Joined: 7/22/2009 Posts: 7,478
Ric dees wrote: So we have seen different replies in regards as to why majority of the companies do not hire interns!!
Fair enough on a different tangent, why dont these companies acknowledge receipt for applications received for advertised vacancies or issue regret notices if individuals do not meet the minimum criteria or better still after having attended an interview and one did not sail through don't you think it would be prudent to offer the short listed candidates some review on how they performed their strongest points and where they faltered!! I think this would go a long way in preparing would be employees better on the rigours of the job market. Just a thought!!
If someone advertizes for a job and more than 1000 people apply half of whom are not even remotely qualified, how do you expect them to start sending regrets and acknowledgements? Do you have any idea the amount of resources that would be used - stationery, postage and most importantly man/woman hours? Do you know the amount of resources that are used to get to the "regretting" part in terms of sorting, rejecting, shortlisting etc.? But I guess it all depends on the job advertised. If it is for a C.E.O., you get 10 - 15 applications. Those ones you can even call. If it is customer care and you get 2,000 applications, you can forget the acknowledgements and regrets unless the applications are done online and the processes is automated! Never count on making a good sale. Have the purchase price be so attractive that even a mediocre sale gives good returns.
Rank: Elder Joined: 4/9/2008 Posts: 2,824
UON haters have changed the topic. @kulahappy why dont you address the issue raised by the thread creator?? When I have money, I get rid of it quickly, lest it find a way into my heart.
Rank: Member Joined: 8/8/2009 Posts: 170
Rank: Member Joined: 1/22/2011 Posts: 322 Location: Chicago, IL, USA
Everyone, SERIOUSLY? You would really discriminate against someone because of the university that they attended? It can't be possible that ALL of the students that hail from a particular institution of higher learning are not suitable for, or are less prepared for, a given position.
If I had two candidates, equally qualified and equally capable in my eyes, I'd make them battle it out for lowest pay... and then if they performed, I'd raise them back up incrementally.
I've done my fair share of hiring, and I've never cared about what Uni someone went to, and really don't even care if they went at all so long as they can do the job.
And I've had Harvard, Yale, and Princeton grads work beside me, above me, and for me as direct reports, and there has never been anything at all that I could consistently point to as being higher quality, knowledge, or capability to even some US public secondary-school grads, depending of the particular position and requirements for the job. And US public secondary isn't very good at all.
It's all about the individual. I need someone that can follow directions, follow-through, and follow-up more than anything else, and that one either learns, or doesn't learn, in primary.
And while we are on the subject of internships... my interns don't get paid.
Rank: Member Joined: 1/22/2011 Posts: 322 Location: Chicago, IL, USA
Well, Drake has inspired me to introduce some All-American Student rioting to the mix:     YALE!:    Not exactly the reports you hear from Kenyans in the diaspora, now is it? I dunno... I think these Yankee boys might give the UoN kids a run for their money! Best, Hill
Rank: Elder Joined: 6/27/2008 Posts: 4,114
mukiha wrote:Gordon Gekko wrote:dunkang wrote:I think u r been too hard on UoN students. Other than they feeling more important than the others, please HELP them get attachments. Its very important for them to graduate. This brothers and sisters misbehave because of MOB Psychology. Once they graduate, they are on their own! (UoN have a superiority complex though). If you were hiring, and it boiled down to two candidates evenly matched, one from UoN and the other Strath/Baraton/Catholic/MKU, who would you pick? I'd look at my current establishment and check to see if there is a relationship between university attended and performance. It would be very unfair to assume that because 200 UoN students are stone-throwing idiots, the remaining 49,800 are also stone throwing idiots. On second thought, I'd hire both .............on half the salary each Nothing is real unless it can be named; nothing has value unless it can be sold; money is worthless unless you spend it.
Rank: Member Joined: 3/6/2008 Posts: 632
Maichblack, It is very possible and practised widely the world over trust me!! However i think many employers in Kenya are downright selfserving, allergic to change and lack the basic tools to spot REAL talent, still warped in the old ways and most baffling they seem to have been sucked in the trend that Kenya is Paper Society!! Sad! Sad! The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence; it is to act with yesterday's logic.
Rank: Veteran Joined: 10/17/2008 Posts: 1,234
more of the UON oops!! UK students rioting    Disclaimer: I do not support the use of violence.
Rank: Veteran Joined: 2/12/2008 Posts: 1,178
Rank: Elder Joined: 6/17/2008 Posts: 23,365 Location: Nairobi
Wenye hajatembea hajaamini the posted pictures are for those their so called civilized students who never riot....hahahahahahaaa!!!!!! ..."Wewe ni mtu mdogo sana....na mwenye amekuandika pia ni mtu mdogo sana!".
Rank: Elder Joined: 5/27/2008 Posts: 3,760
Just heard on Jambo FM. There is a big jam along Chiromo Road. Could it be......
Rank: Elder Joined: 6/19/2008 Posts: 4,268
Mpenzi wrote:more of the UON oops!! UK students rioting  Disclaimer: I do not support the use of violence. Excuse me.... who was protesting here again? there are more journalists and policemen.....
Rank: Chief Joined: 8/24/2009 Posts: 5,909 Location: Nairobi
@Wendz is back!!! karibu...surgery ilienda mzuri?
Rank: Member Joined: 10/26/2010 Posts: 125
@ Kula Raha & 2012, are you guys really serious with your arguements????? Which universities did you attend??
Individual competencies are what matter most. Most student organizations in private universities are a sham, so they wouldn't know how to start a riot. And I really don't think it has to do with discipline.
As regards to companies getting back to their applicants & those they interview, some companies actually do. At least to those they interviewed. Bank of Africa & Citibank are some of them , from personal experience that is. What Ric Dees has raised is very important. This could go a long way in preparing would be employees.
Rank: Elder Joined: 6/19/2008 Posts: 4,268
nostoppingthis wrote:@Wendz is back!!! karibu...surgery ilienda mzuri? thanks @nost.... wasn't in for surg. Shughuli zingine kibao. Few things to manage before surg. Will be done in a few weeks.
Rank: Veteran Joined: 5/13/2010 Posts: 869 Location: Nairobi
@Joan, As one who has been in the field, let me advise you a little. Like someone has said, jobs are hard to come by.. not just internship so do not give up! - Negativity and pessimism will only pull you down. Don't dwell on the 'No's you keep getting. Keep moving on.. U will eventually get somewhere to work. If you don't, volunteer somewhere.. use your skills for free somewhere. Your attitude determines your altitude. Whether you are from UON, Strath, KU, CUEA.. that will work. All the best! ....above all, to stand.
Rank: Member Joined: 4/20/2008 Posts: 437
Rank: Member Joined: 8/5/2010 Posts: 335 Location: Nairobi
For Sport wrote:joankarungu wrote:I do not understand why it is that most of the companies in Kenya do not view interns/interships as valuble or even necessary!!Many times you need a "connection" to get one and in the end one only gains experience in KYM(kazi ya mkono). Comapnies shouls step up and create opportunities for those in University or even staright out of HIgh School. A company can decline to take you while you are in first year and advice you to apply in third year and upon application and acceptance into that same company,what you are "trained" to do you realise could have been done even by a high school student. It is very frustrating!! I challenge comapnies to come up with internship programs that will nurture students and provide the necessary support to them throughout their university life. Such internships should be capable of enabling students who are to choose majors etc to make better choices based on the experience they have gained. So many students have untapped potential and i beleive interships can be one of the major avenues for exploiting this potential. @ Joan  - Companies should do this, companies should do that Think: What's in it for the company? @4sport: Well put. @Joan: Demand/supply, too many students graduating, too few jobs. My advice: 1. Differentiate yourself or start a business. 2. Stop complaining, better yet start another thread: "Very Intelligent, Innovative, Hardworking: Will work for free for three months! My contacts are..." "I'd rather be lucky than clever... every time!" - ME "The problem is not what we don't know... it's what we know for sure that just ain't!" - MARK TWAIN "Space we can recover... time never!" - NAPOLEON BONAPARTE
Internships in Kenya...argh!!!
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