@ Kivairu.
There are some important facts that you need to consider. Will you manage the vehicles yourself or will you give to a hire company? coz if to a company they pay around 35-40K per month.(some are lousy,they delay your money) if you manage yourself,what will be your estimate income considering you need to service a loan? How do you go about getting clients?
I am in the business and what I can tell you is,the level of usage of a hire car is extremely high. you find on a average a vehicle does 5,000 KM per month and requires servicing monthly. this is coz an average hirer takes a vehicle for long distances and so wear and tear is quite high. Again you could give to the cab companies and some just abuse your car.
Having said that,if you have consistent business,at an average income of 45K per month,the returns are quite decent as long as you maintain 'newish' vehicles that wont break down alot.
IMO,if you could get good drivers,its better to do Taxi coz they average an income of 35K a month and wont do more than 2000 Kilometers per month thus reducing wear and tear.
just my 2 cents.
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