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Political stalemate: Whose Agenda? - ODM & PNU
#1 Posted : Wednesday, April 08, 2009 1:04:00 PM
Rank: Elder

Joined: 2/26/2008
Posts: 4,449
These politicians left in goverment are screwing with us..with the willing media at their calling. Before you go defending 'your man' ask yourself,is their agenda your agenda in this infighting,really?...

No one is fighting to feed the starving Kenyans
No one is fighting to return IDPs back to their homes
No one is fighting to have their salaries taxed
No one is fighting to come up with an economic stimulus package
No one is fighting to provide jobs for Kenya's unemployed youth
No one is fighting to have the Agenda 4 Items resolved
No one is fighting to preserve Kenya's fast diminishing heritage in the Mau escarpment.
No one is fighting to enact a new constitution
No one is fighting to reconcile communities
No one is fighting to arrest runaway inflation
No one is fighting to provide the subsidised maize flour
No one is fighting to arrest corruption. They're all aiding and albeiting it.

...the list goes on...the things that concern most kenyans from every corner of the country are not even featuring!

They go to Kilanguni and like many other times before,won't involve you and me until they fail to agree on their self serving power games (more MOU's perhaps)...then the ODM - PNU comrade calls are made...as SKerian's..we then start defending 'our man'...let's shun them!

I say whose agenda other than their bellies do they represent?

We have close to 4 full years before the next elections. - f*** ODM & PNU if they've all decided to stay in government then they should shut up and work.

Meanwhile,identify and encourage leaders you represent more of your agenda as a Kenyan within and without government.
#2 Posted : Wednesday, April 08, 2009 1:12:00 PM
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This post is similar to the kenyanchinedu post in moral-satndings except one touches on politics and the other on sex....and mukiha and mkristo are quietly aloud...!!!

@SK prease pless rend...

Which is more dirty,the pig or Kenyan mp?
Portfolio: Sold
You know you've made it when you get a parking space for your yatcht.

#3 Posted : Wednesday, April 08, 2009 1:39:00 PM
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@ecstacy: your frustration is understandable....but do you have to use euphemistic obscenities? they tend to cloud your points.

@Impunity: This is nowhere near kenyanchinedu's post.
Nothing is real unless it can be named; nothing has value unless it can be sold; money is worthless unless you spend it.
#4 Posted : Wednesday, April 08, 2009 1:57:00 PM
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I would forgive Ecstacy anytime.......If he were talking to me one on one,i know he would bang the table,break a cup or even drive his toe into a wall......We do understand the kinda frustration Kenyans are going through........and anyway,you never know.Probably he went to school in US where a son says to mum......'Mama,this food is f***ing good'.....and Mama answers thus........That's true my boy'.....and it's no big deal.

Guka wa bijuti...
Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
#5 Posted : Wednesday, April 08, 2009 2:20:00 PM
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Posts: 359
And guess what @ecstacy...if this thread remains here long enough...it is just a matter of time before it degenerates into another 'Them vs. Us' conversation...my tribe X is better than yours...my tribe Y is holier than yours...tribe A is smarter than tribe B... tribe Q is superior to tribe R...you know,real algebra!

I think many Kenyans have hit a mental block politically...we just can't seem to get around ethnic diatribe.

I am counting down...In Ten,Nine,Eight...
#6 Posted : Wednesday, April 08, 2009 2:38:00 PM
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Posts: 68
you must be pretty slow not to realize the irony of your post!!!

it is like baks telling wananchi in a public gathering that ministers go grumbling in public instead of raising issues in cabinet meeting.....
......be gone devil!
Obi 1 Kanobi
#7 Posted : Wednesday, April 08, 2009 3:34:00 PM
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No one is fighting to feed the starving Kenyans - The easiest way to do this would be via some school feeding program to take care of the young ones. grown ups who can't fend for themselves only get my sympathies.

No one is fighting to return IDPs back to their homes - I believe Naomi Shaban needs to come up with her plan on this going forward,either the IDP's are compensated for their lands and structures in exchange for their title deeds or those willing to take the risk are returned to their farms and an attempt at reconciliation is made with their neighbours.

No one is fighting to have their salaries taxed - I believe the law specifically says kenyans should be taxed according to ability,the constitution also bars discrimination,the MP's actions to not pay tax by virtue of their offices to me is dicriminatory and against the law. The media led by Caroline Mutoko tried to fight this,but the majority of Skerians were against them and still are.

No one is fighting to come up with an economic stimulus package - Don't be ridiculous,do we have to copy everything the west does,we are not even sure we are affected by the financial crisis. What did you have in mind anyway.

No one is fighting to provide jobs for Kenya's unemployed youth - A pity,need I say more,if it were up to me,I would enrol 100 young from every constituency into the forces to be depolyed into the army,police,AP's,GSU. The only criteria would be you should not be related to anyone in parliament,in any civil service job,a councillor or in any of the disciplined forces.

No one is fighting to have the Agenda 4 Items resolved - What was in agenda 4. Can they be covered in the constitutional review process.

No one is fighting to preserve Kenya's fast diminishing heritage in the Mau escarpment. - RAO tried his best but was sucked in by political demands,I only wish MK who has the real power could back him on this. this is a serious tragedy for our country.

No one is fighting to enact a new constitution - I believe something is happening here,the Abdikadir led group are doing something aren't they,the Nzamba Kitonga group is also engaged in something constructive right?. I especially like the fact that no noise comes from this group,means the debe is not empty

No one is fighting to reconcile communities - You could start here in SK,i promise I will tell you if your tone is conciliatory enough. Yes,you,lets see the stuff that you are made off. I officially appoint you as the referee to reconcile the SK community. The larger community will reconcile once the problems are resolved.

No one is fighting to arrest runaway inflation - This is the easiest to fix,just fire the CBK Governor Prof. Useless.

No one is fighting to provide the subsidised maize flour - RAO again tried this and was mocked here,I believe Skerians were proven right as the whole thing did not work.

No one is fighting to arrest corruption. They're all aiding and albeiting it. - A big challenge,the buck stops with the gava,The president just has to take this one head on,nobody else can. It has all to do with the 'Tone at the top'

I guess if you can't win with facts,you can always pen bile-laced,xenophobic rants to distract everyone.
"The purpose of bureaucracy is to compensate for incompetence and lack of discipline." James Collins
#8 Posted : Thursday, April 09, 2009 11:57:00 AM
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Posts: 68
you don't seem convinced that your post was ill-advised. read it again carefully and you will see the severe irony in it. ok,let me break it down for you.......
the initiator of this thread asked an ideological question and all those who had replied before you also advanced their ideologies....no tribal arguments. good. enter adept. adept thinks this thread is not going according to his expectation. adept is adept at reading other people's minds.....
in short,you insult us by pretending that you know us and that you are above us....i don't take such insults lying down
there is something called positive reinforcement.....if you keep reminding people how tribalized they are....you only entrench the behaviour.....better to let sleeping dogs lie or offer some compliments for good behavior (non-tribal discussions)
does it make sense to you now?.....if not then i am afraid i cannot help you
#9 Posted : Thursday, April 09, 2009 12:10:00 PM
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kanda I agree with you here!!!

adept,why did you pre-empt tribalism before anybody lifted the tribal card,.......means you are deeply rooted in it!!!!

Make money.....then you will enjoy all the fine things in life!!!
..."Wewe ni mtu mdogo sana....na mwenye amekuandika pia ni mtu mdogo sana!".
#10 Posted : Thursday, April 09, 2009 12:23:00 PM
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There it goes.... flying high like a kite!

Some deals are like glass. Sometimes it's better to leave them broken than try to hurt yourself putting it back together.
#11 Posted : Thursday, April 09, 2009 12:47:00 PM
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Ok fine fine..you win..it is Easter and I won't spoil the mood...pewa moja...chaguo lako. Halafu sasa peana contribution yako...

I am sorry for derailing the conversation...just enjoy rabble rousing once in a while smile.

Happy Easter!!!
#12 Posted : Thursday, April 09, 2009 1:18:00 PM
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Joined: 3/28/2009
Posts: 19

Dont you think wat u r saying points to the problem. So much ongoing but nothing comes out of it. Better to hav minimal activities but c some results. The politicians or leaders or whatever... are quite good and creating the impression of something happening. But we really need to see the results!

Wisely and slow; they stumble that run fast
#13 Posted : Thursday, April 09, 2009 1:56:00 PM
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This tym tumekataa ujinga nairobi. MARTHA 4 PREZ!

Speak faith,hope and belief.
Obi 1 Kanobi
#14 Posted : Thursday, April 09, 2009 1:58:00 PM
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I am just so tired of the rants against the system that I have decided to look for the good things in it.

Very hard to find though.

I believe patience pays,we will see better times in kenya in the near future. Lady luck is bound to turn to us very soon.

I guess if you can't win with facts,you can always pen bile-laced,xenophobic rants to distract everyone.
"The purpose of bureaucracy is to compensate for incompetence and lack of discipline." James Collins
#15 Posted : Thursday, April 09, 2009 3:25:00 PM
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Spread the gospel if you can wherever you are this weekend and on. Happy Easter.
#16 Posted : Thursday, April 09, 2009 5:53:00 PM
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My hero is Adept. Without death and resurrection of Jesus there can be no salvation. I hope you don't backslide. Let others join him/her(Adept).

Ecs 11.2 Give portions to seven,yes to eight,for you do not know what disaster may come upon the land.
The opposite of courage is not cowardice, it's conformity.
Tusker Baridi
#17 Posted : Thursday, April 09, 2009 6:19:00 PM
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Joined: 12/9/2006
Posts: 186
Ecstacy please stop with the equal blame to seem politically correct. The culprit is none other than general Kiguoya and his mafia,enough of this equal blame to appease these PNU apologists.

Kiguoya would rather comment on his ugly b**** rather than provide leadership in resolving your lamentations. The buck stops with that asshole of a president,not ODM or PNU.
#18 Posted : Thursday, April 09, 2009 7:47:00 PM
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Joined: 9/29/2006
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T-Baridi,There was a thread about our 2012 Obama! I hope we could conclude on that.

Ecs 11.2 Give portions to seven,yes to eight,for you do not know what disaster may come upon the land.
The opposite of courage is not cowardice, it's conformity.
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