I just passed by Nairobi University Parklands Campus and I was shocked by what I saw. Four policemen DEAD asleep. Two inside a parked Securex car and two outside on dusty grass - using their G3s as the pillow - don't ask me how comfortable that is. There was nobody watching over them. I had to slow down just to be sure they were dead asleep as opposed to dead.
If a group of thugs drive by, they would disposses them off their guns with virtually no resistance. I also couldn't help but imagine if there was a commotion, tyre burst or one of them had a bad dream and they woke up firing. The fact that ALL of them were asleep - next to a busy road - also says alot. And these are the guys protecting us???
Never count on making a good sale. Have the purchase price be so attractive that even a mediocre sale gives good returns.