Bwana Magigi,
You have a valid point.
As i read the scriptures, i do not see any attempt by Jesus to institutionalize Christianity,
he was continuously castigated by the religious elite of his day for not following the 'traditions of their fathers' e.g the washing of hands, the strict keeping of the sabbath, the fasting and so on.
And Jesus in turn continuously exposed the heresy and hypocrisy of the pharisees and teachers of the law.
When drawn into a debate that would have him 'declare' a position on paying taxes to Caesar, Jesus answers by asking a question... i paraphrase... "Give me a denarius,(a bob is handed to him) whose image/likeness is on this coin, they answer Caesar, then give to Caesar what is Caesar's and give to God what is God's"
Remember Rome was an oppressive regime on the Jewish people. Jesus position on the issue basically was, honor your obligations to the authorities however oppressive BUT also (Give to God what is God's) honor your obligations to God.
Why did Jesus add "Give to God what belongs to God" in that context?
Basically because just as the image of Caesar was on that coin, we bear the image of God, we should therefore give ourselves to the one we belong to...
Back to context:
Christianity is not about creating institutions or influence via politics or force.. Jesus once said this to Pilate, that his kingdom was not of this world, and that if it were of this world then his disciples would not have resisted his being arrested. (John 18:36)
Who are we then to try and assert our influence via religious institutions and politics?
Jesus was once offered 'all the kingdoms of this world' by none other than satan, he declined....
Most if not all of our so called religious leaders would have jumped at the opportunity...
Christianity is not about setting up any kind of kingdom on the earth.
Why wasn't Jesus birth announced to the Kings, Nobles or religious elite of his day, why to simple lowly shepherds?
i digress......
The point is, your work as a Christian is to do 2 things Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, strength. And love your neighbor as yourself.
Do this and you stand out like a sore thumb in a world filed with pretense and hypocrisy.
If all who call themselves 'Christians' would do this... there would be no need for 'missions' and 'outreach' and related jargon.
i digress again...
ok enough said for now.