newfarer wrote:I wish him a win in todays by election.We need his hawk eyes in stemming corruption in the parliament .
Remember , Kimunya must go! he makes them tremble
He is a gem for the country.
However, he is not going to win because vihiga residents claim he has killed nine ppl who opposed his ideas, grabbed catholic church land to convert it into a stadium and hardly accepts to be mgeni wa heshima during funds drives. Talk of reasoning like a chicken but his constituents will not give him the vote he so much deserves to return to the 10th piggery.
Have you noted that people from Western Kenya and Nyanza usually don't vote with their heads? Its not about money for them unlike central where even a shilling can buy a vote.
Too bad we are seeing the last of Dr. Khalwale. Blame it on our quire voting habits.
The signature of God runs in all things. Only fools fail to see it and believe in Him. However, others see it even where non exists - now you see where the false pastor comes in.