Its just a few weeks before CCK review the interconnection charges,safaricom was the first to show disapproval with the move followed by as usual Telkom kenya cum orange.
Airtel and YU are quite silent not like last year when they were enthusiastic about the reduced Rate are they feeling the heat too, but want the big boys to fight for them or are they just waiting for the right moment to plunge into the Mix.
The other thing is will the Govt allow CCK to go ahead with the plan given KRA had earlier indicated the loss of revenue due to the revision last year.
The opposition to the revision of interconnection charges down ward is not limited to Kenya but to all of Africa.There is growing concern the falling revenue might lock out New players who might want to invest here as well as impede the rapid growth of the sector which has been phenomenal over the last decade.' the acknowledgment of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ; 3 In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.' Colossians 2:2-3