Rice husk business
Rank: Member Joined: 4/28/2011 Posts: 213
I am i a position to suplly rice husk,from sources i hear that it is can be used in chicken farms instead of saw dust,it can be used in mulching plants,it can aslo be used in making of hydrafoam bricks...........we are all looking to make that extra coin. If intersted please contact me mutuaagnes17@yahoo.com
Rank: Elder Joined: 6/17/2008 Posts: 23,365 Location: Nairobi
Imagine I read the topic as high risk business!!! ..."Wewe ni mtu mdogo sana....na mwenye amekuandika pia ni mtu mdogo sana!".
Rank: Veteran Joined: 7/22/2008 Posts: 1,139
specky wrote:I am i a position to suplly rice husk,from sources i hear that it is can be used in chicken farms instead of saw dust,it can be used in mulching plants,it can aslo be used in making of hydrafoam bricks...........we are all looking to make that extra coin. If intersted please contact me mutuaagnes17@yahoo.com ok,apart from chicken and mulching,what else can we do with the husk.I smell something here "You're not supposed to be so blind with patriotism that you can't face reality. Wrong is wrong, no matter who says it". Malcolm X
Rank: Member Joined: 4/28/2011 Posts: 213
Hi Burning spear, Thank you for your response. I hear it can also be used in making paper........though not so sure but that,am sure you can do some research on that option.
Rank: Elder Joined: 5/4/2008 Posts: 1,703
Burning Spear wrote:specky wrote:I am i a position to suplly rice husk,from sources i hear that it is can be used in chicken farms instead of saw dust,it can be used in mulching plants,it can aslo be used in making of hydrafoam bricks...........we are all looking to make that extra coin. If intersted please contact me mutuaagnes17@yahoo.com ok,apart from chicken and mulching,what else can we do with the husk.I smell something here @ bs kukinyesha badala ya kumwaga mura unaitumia? Think Positive Test Negative
Rank: Member Joined: 8/4/2009 Posts: 48
specky wrote:I am i a position to suplly rice husk,from sources i hear that it is can be used in chicken farms instead of saw dust,it can be used in mulching plants,it can aslo be used in making of hydrafoam bricks...........we are all looking to make that extra coin. If intersted please contact me mutuaagnes17@yahoo.com very true, I know someone who did a fifth year project in the university on feasibility of using rice husk ash in construction, this was back in the year 2003. the guy got an A. There is alot of research out there.
Rank: Elder Joined: 4/9/2008 Posts: 2,824
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rice_hulls[/b]
A number of rice-producing countries, (e.g. Thailand), are currently conducting research on industrial uses of rice hulls. Some of the current and potential applications are listed below.
Rice hulk can be used to produce mesoporous molecular sieves (e.g., MCM, which are applied as catalysts for various chemical reactions, as a support for drug delivery system and as adsorbent in waste water treatment.
Pet food fiber
Rice hulls are the outermost covering of the rice and come as organic rice hulls and natural rice hulls. Rice hulls are an inexpensive byproduct of human food processing, serving as a source of fiber that is considered a filler ingredient in cheap pet foods.
Building material
Rice hulls are a class A insulating material because they are difficult to burn and less likely to allow moisture to propagate mold or fungi. It has been found out that when burned, rice hull produces significant amounts of silica. For these reasons it provides excellent thermal insulation.
Pillow stuffing
Rice hulls are used as pillow stuffing. The pillows are loosely stuffed and considered therapeutic as they retain the shape of the head.
Rice hulls are organic material and can be composted. However, their high lignin content can make this a slow process. Sometimes earthworms are used to accelerate the process. Using vermicomposting techniques, the hulls can be converted to fertilizer in about four months.
SiC production
Rice hulls are a low-cost material from which silicon carbide "whiskers" can be manufactured. The SiC whiskers are then used to reinforce ceramic cutting tools, increasing their strength tenfold.
With proper techniques, rice hulls can be burned and used to power steam engines. Some rice mills originally dispose of the hulls in this way [edit] Brewing
Rice hulls can be used in brewing beer to increase the lautering ability of a mash.
Juice extraction
Rice hulls are used as a "press aid" to improve extraction efficiency of apple pressing.[5]
[b]Rice husk ash
The ash produced after the husks have been burned, (abbreviated to RHA), is high in silica. A number of possible uses are being investigated for this. These uses include * aggregates and fillers for concrete and board production * economical substitute for microsilica / silica fumes * absorbents for oils and chemicals * soil ameliorants * as a source of silicon * as insulation powder in steel mills * as repellents in the form of "vinegar-tar" * as a release agent in the ceramics industry * as an insulation material for homes and refrigerants * IN Kerala, India- Rice husks (Umikari- in malayalam)was universally used for over centuries in cleaning teeth - before toothpaste replaced it When I have money, I get rid of it quickly, lest it find a way into my heart.
Rank: Elder Joined: 4/9/2008 Posts: 2,824
More uses http://www.renewableener...s-from-rice-husks-52488
When I have money, I get rid of it quickly, lest it find a way into my heart.
Rank: Member Joined: 4/28/2011 Posts: 213
Hi Kingfisher, This is great,apart from knowing where to get it,i didnt know it had so many uses.........i hope i will get customers to buy the staff. Thanks for enlighting us.
Rank: Member Joined: 9/20/2007 Posts: 252
On a separate note, i have access to tonnes and tonnes of coffee husks. Anyone with leads on what to do with the coffee husks?
Rank: Member Joined: 12/21/2007 Posts: 84
Take it to areas where firewood is a problem and it will be used as fuel.There are places like rural Nakuru,Kiambu etc where sawdust was very much in use but since its no longer available people go for anything that burns.Or look for posibility of turning it into charcoal name them charhusks and or charhulls.Guys you may be sitting on top of your acres of diamonds.
Rank: Member Joined: 4/28/2011 Posts: 213
thank you so much Githukusm,nice ideas of the charcoal thing.........
Rank: Member Joined: 1/22/2008 Posts: 45
Idea of Charcoal good, but if you recall, there was KahawaCoal, which was pricy and did not go far. Although I must admit that was a while back. New technologies?
Rank: Member Joined: 4/28/2011 Posts: 213
Guys, I have been searching the web on how the husk can be turned into charcoal and i came across the BELONIO RICE HUSK STOVE,does any have any idea of how such stoves can be made locally or if they are available ?
Rank: Member Joined: 11/17/2006 Posts: 143
while at it, anyone in charcoal biz or intending to go that way, and could be interest in Eco-friendly, smokeless briquettes drop me a line kingpostloc13@yahoo.com
Rice husk business
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