sorry to hijack but if you know someone with a passion here is something useful
The proven trend worldwide in the food service industry is for people to pick and take away. It’s a growing industry especially during recession times when food prices increase significantly.
Have you dreamt of setting up a food business with great location and revenue prospects?
Look no further as we have the right solution that requires a small capital investment, easy set up and guarantees a daily income.
A definite recession buster that appeals to any ambitious entrepreneur with the following qualities:
Mature, hardworking, minimum age of 25yrs
Resident within Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu, Eldoret, Nakuru and their environs
Have the ability to raise Kshs 300,000 as startup capital
Willing to undergo training and abide to agreed business practices
Prior experience in the food industry need not be necessary due to training offered
We are aiming at Individuals, retirees, persons in employment or business, women chamas and youth groups, who have a passion to offer food-on-the-go.