bwenyenye wrote:Yesterday, I almost fell off my seat when my son was telling me how they went to a neighbours house to play something on a device called PSP ( what is this thing anyway). Apparently the game turned out to be quite pronographic going by what he was telling me. I am still unable to understand how a children's game can be as gross as he was telling me. He tells me that the kids father was the one who had bought the game. So I think I better get him his own PSP or Playstation ot whatever else they are watching and I can control the games they play. I have lost all respect for that mzee.
Don't be too hard on the mzee. I doubt he is a pervert. His only mistake is not paying attention to detail. In this case he might have had to read about the game online or somewhere, play the game or have the kid play the game to see exactly what is going on. But most of us don't have that kind of time.
I bought my nephew a Play Station and one of the games I got for him was Grand Theft Auto thinking it is a normal racing game [thanks to the dealer]. I was later to learn that there is more that goes on in that game than racing. See more here:
Grand Theft Auto, here:
Grand Theft Auto III and here:
Grand Theft Auto - Vice City [Trust me, you really don't want your kid playing this one!]
The other day I was buying movies somewhere. A fellow walks in with his son - trying to be a nice dad - and tells the kid [probably in class 3/4] to choose the movies he wants - being nice/democratic I guess. The only problem is that the dad was not bothering to scrutinize the movies the kid was selecting. The kid started selecting some movies that left me asking, should a kid be watching that?
Never count on making a good sale. Have the purchase price be so attractive that even a mediocre sale gives good returns.