Uhunye is the defacto leader of thentoro. Karua, in my humble assessment, has largely been written off for frustrating baks, according to MACHINANI NEWS, n her unfortunate association with the enigma. PK, my favourite, hasnt made any headway, n if not careful, might be branded a spoiler. Infact, PK may not have capacity to match UK's noise n charisma, the opium of the masses! My question is, will ICC succeed in nailing two VERY POPULAR leaders? Me thinks in the eyes of machinani people, JUSTICE WILL NOT APPEAR TO HAVE BEEN DONE....a vital ingredient in delivery of justice. I see UK/WR having a rather fat chance of taking over Baks huge but dirty/torn shoes. As regards voting in anatha kyuk, its an unfortunate reality in a game of numbers.