Apart from safaricom & KQ other kenyan brands do not innovate and take advantage of the latest technology or opportunities to grow their business.I have come to realize most companies tend to use the same strategies and expect different result.
Take banking for instance very few banks offer differentiated products, most of them duplicate services offered by other banks and hence growth in this sector has been quite slow.
transportation sector is another sector that I think is unexploited, RVR which is a monopoly has not taken the advantage of a crisis plaguing the city residents the demand for their services hav sky rocketed in the recent days but the management is too slow to respond to this demand.
The other day I was in another forum and it was surprising to note that only 22% of listed companies in the NSE have a social presence in the net.A company like Unga Group which is a house hold name does not have even a website to engage with its customers.
We claim to be connected but very few companies are exploiting Kenya's full potential.
'......to the acknowledgment of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ; 3 In whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.' Colossians 2:2-3