Rank: Member Joined: 9/2/2010 Posts: 845
ODM Plans to replace rebel members probably based on the following standing order: 160. In nominating Members to serve on any select committee, the House Business Committee shall ensure that the membership of each committee reflects the relative majorities of the seats held by each of the parliamentary parties in the National Assembly and Kenya’s ethnic, geographical, cultural, political, social and economic diversity; and shall give consideration to the need for gender balance.PNU plans to resist ODM replacing rebel members based on the following standing order: 159. Unless otherwise provided by any written law or these Standing Orders, the House Business Committee shall, in consultation with parliamentary parties, nominate, for approval by the House, Members who shall serve on any select committee.PNU plans to remove Ababu as chair based on the following standing order: 175. (1) By a resolution supported by a majority of its members, a Committee may resolve that it has no confidence in the chairperson or vice chairperson and such resolution shall be reported to the Liaison Committee which shall, as soon as it is practicable, arrange for the election of a new chairperson or vice-chairperson as the case may be. (2) The members desiring to make a resolution under paragraph (1) shall serve the chairperson or vice-chairperson with a written notice and may if they constitute a majority, request the Clerk to call for a meeting at the expiry of three days after the giving of such notice.Over to you Mr. Speaker Sir! All my friends are heathens, take it slow. Wait for them to ask you who you know. Please don't make any sudden moves.