before the minimum charges are developed.....
the Law Society of Kenya ......
and other stakeholders convene.....
and deliberate......
on judicial procedure...... the standards of the profession.....
what is acceptable as a minimum..... and what is not....
regulation of the client... advocate relationship....
and regulation of advocate to advocate relationship....
so that i do not carry a loaded gun to court...
that is why...
advocacy....... in the legal sense......
is considered a profession........
as opposed to blogging....... tho' in some circles...... it's almost one .......
this is where the minimum standards are set...
and defined in law.....
so when....
breaks these regulations.......
the law defines that...
can act to protect the public.....
and his colleagues.........wheter in court or in his chambers......
from his unprofessional ways.......
I'm the real Massey F.....shut your mouth
I'm the real Massey Fergu...... Shut your mouth....