It's about time if you asked me.Truth be told the middle class in Kenya has been the greatest disspointment and continue being a disgrace in society.
@Djinn you have a point, revolutions are very simple but i can't help and think we Kenyans as some-one has said suffer from ujuaji, No disrespect to any-one we will quote all and sundry and give maxims when all we need is better roads, schools,respect to the rile of law and leaders who are accountable, surely that does not need a viva!!
Below some extracts from Egyptian people:
[i][b]A nearby demonstrator, whose puffy eyes betray a week of little sleep, overhears the conversation and interrupts: “Why do you think no churches or mosques have been attacked since all police forces were removed from the city two days ago? It’s because places of worship have been protected by the population, and the neighborhood patrols.”
Pointing to a mosque on a street adjacent to the square he says, “Wounded Coptic women were taken to the mosque there and protected from the madness going on outside Friday.”
Suddenly the voice of the muezzins (prayer caller) calms the general agitation as rows of men bow in prayer. Time seems suspended while the men pray, and Christian demonstrators standing close by.
Enough is surely Enough!!!
The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence; it is to act with yesterday's logic.