@Sasha Guten Morgen, agreed
KenyanLyrics wrote:From my experience, you can run yourself into the ground trying to sabotage the competition. Striving to be the best is much more fun
@KenyanLyrics What a fitting way to deviate into
Value InnovationMost companies focus on matching and beating their rivals. As a result, their strategies tend to take on similar dimensions. What ensues is head-to-head competition based largely on incremental improvements in cost, quality, or both.Two guys from Insead argue innovative companies choose to break free from the pack by staking out fundamentally new market space - by creating products or services for which there are no direct competitors.
Companies most successful at repeating value innovation were those that took advantage of all three platforms on which value innovation can take place:
product, service, and delivery.See the mindset of a value innovator in creating a new value curve:
Industry assumptions: they are not given; can be changed
Strategic focus: competition is not the benchmark; company should pursue quantum leap in value to dominate the market
Customers: instead of retain/expand/segment existing customer base, value innovator targets mass of buyers and willingly lets some existing customers go
Assets and Capabilities: don't just leverage existing assets and liabilities; ask instead what would we do if we were starting anew?
Product and Service Offerings: normal companies maximize value of offerings; value innovators think in terms of total solution customers seek even outside industry traditional offerings
Classic example of value innovator is Virgin Atlantic and how they challenged conventional logic by eliminating first-class service in 1984, to focus on business class passengers. They introduced reclining sleeper seats, offered free transportation to and from airport, designed lounges where clothers were pressed/masseuse etc.