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Killer strategies for trouncing the competition.
#1 Posted : Tuesday, January 25, 2011 6:48:47 PM
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@Sasha @msotoville and other business strategists, noting current wars ongoing in Kenya telecoms, airlines, tobacco and bevarage, you must agree it's worth our time to review some Hardball smile

Hardball players play to win. They focus relentlessly on their competitive advantage to gain an unfair edge. They sometimes hurt their rivals, and risk being hurt themselves to get what they want.

1. Devastate rival's profit sanctuaries
KQ knows only 4% of its revenues come from NBI-MSA route. To hurt Fly540 which earns most of its money here, they have cut to the bone.

2. Plagiarize with pride
Novida shamelessly went after Alvaro's malt barley drink.
Or Multichoice after GTV's pay per view model.

3. Deceive the competition
BP Africa PLC announced its intention to sell her shares in Shell BP. Kenya Shell quietly watched, disinterested, until BP Africa reached an agreement then making a preemptive offer.

4. Unleash overwhelming force
Zain got the formula right with the launch of Vuka. But who would have anticipated the overwhelming marketing of Masaa ya Kubamba, followed by Supa Ongea. Vuka died!

5. Raise competitors costs
We know how EABL successfully lobbied government to ensure Keroche drinks were in a category levied a higher tax rate;
Or Mastermind's failed attempt that saw BAT cut rates to ensure they were not paying in a tax bracket alone.

Hmmmn, that was part 1 of 2. Say something then we can tackle Curveballs.
#2 Posted : Tuesday, January 25, 2011 7:18:04 PM
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I like!! Very good examples of Killer strategies however, #4 on Zain and Safcom is vise versa don't you think? Kindly add EABL and Castle to #2or #5. EABL went to unprecedented heights to confirm themselves as a "market leader"de-facto monopoly. EABL made sure castle did not acess malt in kenya, a product EABL controls not to mention crude tiring down of Castle billboard adverts.
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#3 Posted : Wednesday, January 26, 2011 9:32:35 AM
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@propertyzote, well said. EABL and Castle debacle and specifically EABL shenanigans with Malt and bottling (Central Glass Industries) was actually a very good case of #5 Raise Competitors Costs

In the literature #4. Unleash massive and overwhelming force they say must be equivalent to a hammer blow: focussed, direct, and swift.
I must credit Zain at the time for direct attacks, though they seem to get overwhelmed by Safaricom's response. According to a first hand account, the problem was always that Safaricom with its might would always respond and club subscribers together, out spend, and out manouvre.

Airtel seems to have landed a good punch with the 'bendover' mess though...

#4 Posted : Wednesday, January 26, 2011 11:02:58 AM
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Hmmm.. excellent topic away from the political shenanigans that rarely add value to our lives! Corporate Strategy interests me to no end, a kinda battle of wits/guerilla warfare in the trenches of the corporate world.

I would gladly like to hear each and every morsel of the full story on the Castle Brewing/EABL,and why some think its foray into Kenya (shs 2.5b then)was actually a decoy and its real interest lay in Tz...either upping its market share or keeping EABL out (am not sure which). But it carries a whiff of #3 above

#4. Interestingly, it is said the idea of sending cash by phone was first reportedly mooted by then Celtel (or is it Kencell), but the proposal got lost in the cracks of their corporate bureaucracy between kenya and their HQ abroad and this time lag made Safcon be aware and latch onto the idea, exploiting it ruthlessly as their own and the MPESA kid, now an adult with his own kid MKESHO, was born. You might have a brilliant idea, but your larger stronger competitor will take it and roll it out as their own and much later you will be hard pressed to explain the idea was your brainchild! Ouch, such pain...execution does matter.

@muganda, for #2 above the global stage is replete with examples where plagiarization (industrial espionnage really) is the buzz word:

1)Tu-144 supersonic jet: This was a Soviet equivalent to the British- French Concorde, whose blueprints were reportedly stolen from the West, who derisivley labelled the Tu-144, the Concordski. It was similar to the original Concorde in almost all aspects! Unfortunately the Tu-144 failed commercially,while its Western cousin was de-commissioned after the Paris aircrash. Wa, yaani even at internl. level simple copy paste can work...

2) Save on R&D costs! Let the competition, esp. those with overflowing R&D kitties, do all the donkey work then take the final product, break it down and find its make-up, then voila! copy paste and sell at cheaper cost. The Indians are good in that, esp. in the pharmaceutical arena and that is why we have so many generics - well, their cost of production was way cheaper than the West's. Ditto their auto industry.

#1. Take on East Africa Industries (later Unilever kenya)?
The idea was suicidal in the 80s/part of 90s. Yet Bidco was small at the time and it's products gradually nibbled at the corporate fat of EAI's cooking fat market, packaging their products in smaller and smaller bags for the urban poor masses esp. in slums.
So they are amonth the first pioneers of the 'kadogo' economy and humbled a corporate Goliath...

#5 Posted : Wednesday, January 26, 2011 11:11:49 AM
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Thanks for this. I like it.

TWENDE KAZI. Weka part two sasa.

You deserve a beer.
#6 Posted : Wednesday, January 26, 2011 1:32:44 PM
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@Intelligentsia hot examples. The article says Hardballs isn't just about the moves you make, it's about the attitude you bring to them - you can't feel squeamish about the hard stuff.

Some other good international examples cited include:
- Toyota steady attack of the big 3 moving from compact cars, to mid- and full-size vehicles, and on to Detroit's last remaining profit centres, light trucks and SUVs

- The day after HP announced weak results in 2004 because of price competition in PCs, Dell announced further across-the-board-cut delivering swift kick to a tough rival when it was down

- In 1996, Rubermaind $2b business, a few years earlier ranked as a Fortune most admired company, ventured to contest Wal-Mart's pressure on supplier to lower their prices. Walmart simply cut Rubbermain off. The company was sold off as a struggling enterprise in 1999.

- Ray Kroc who didn't invest McDonald's but simply took ideas from brother Dick and Maurice McDonald when he bought their small chain of bugger joints.

tony stark
#7 Posted : Wednesday, January 26, 2011 2:17:29 PM
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One notable corporate marketing fist fights was the ariel vs omo fight. Started with small attacks by the newcomer and these grew to a full scale smear campaign against each other that gave room for other "gentler detergent" to gain market share. Up to this day ariel which was the upstart newcomer still has has stinging adverts against omo who have "brightened up" and just ignore the adverts. This fight had no winner, no draw and 2 losers!

What i have always been surprised about is the silent coup d'etat by toyota against nissan. This is way before my reasoning ageand i can not comment exhaustively on this but nissans used to be all the rave in the 70s with nissan datsun being the car of choice for any well do do middle class kenyan family. I am not sure when and how toyota took over the market but they are clearly miles ahead of all the competition. Even though the car ahead of you is a toyota the car waaaaaaaayyy ahead of you is a subaru ... gone!
#8 Posted : Wednesday, January 26, 2011 2:27:10 PM
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@muganda et al! Wonderful topic again!

Killer strategies are normally more effective where the main competitor has a soft underbelly or jugular! This is the best place to attack so fiercely that they have no doubt about winning. Airtel/Zain thought they had discovered Safcom's underbelly (they may have!!) but the response from Safcom has been emphatic! That is the same thing that happened with Castle. They thought they had introduced higher quality products at cheaper prices. But EABL increased (quantitatively) the barriers to entry i.e. they made it very difficult for Castle to distribute their products forcing Castle to spend huge amounts of money to avail them. In the end, the heat was too much.

Where a competitor adopts a strategy to attack a bigger rival, the strategy has got to be on point! They need to actively adopt a different strategy or business model and aim to compete by changing the rules of the game. GTV thought that by simply offering the same service at a cheaper rate they would push DSTV aside. DSTV responded by offering higher fees for the channels which GTV were forced to match to maintain their market. This ultimately destroyed their cost/revenue structure.

Other Kenyan examples where attack strategies have worked:

- Nakumatt's attack on Uchumi's hypermart. Simple copy and paste and make it better.
- UoN vs KEMU: KEMU has totally changed the rules of PG studies. All other schools are simply trying to catch up with what KEMU has done.
- Dyer & Blair offering to do IPOs for free against other IB's quotes of millions!

tony stark
#9 Posted : Wednesday, January 26, 2011 2:53:00 PM
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@ Intel ... mpesa is an off shoot of a microfinance payment scheme that was being piloted by safcom and faulu and some international ngo in thika. The scheme was a success and the rest is history. Mpesa is not an outstanding idea by safcom or an idea stolen from kencell/celtel.
@sasha .... The eabl vs castle battle has been retolded so many times that the story became how eabl acheived this amazing victory against a huge multinational. eable did make business for castle very difficult but that is not why castle left. Castle was in need of cash so that it could acquire miller in the usa and become the largest brewer. Losing money to eabl would not have augured well for their cash book and bid to acquire miller.
#10 Posted : Wednesday, January 26, 2011 3:15:38 PM
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Thanks @Muganda, I'm undertaking a course that has a unit on strategic management and you've actually highlighted an area that I'll look into for my coursework. Cheers
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#11 Posted : Wednesday, January 26, 2011 3:28:23 PM
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@tony stark: Noted and thanks!
#12 Posted : Wednesday, January 26, 2011 4:12:46 PM
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Joined: 10/1/2009
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let not this thread die, its very enlightening,again thanks muganda!
tony, its the first time am hearing of the microfinance thingy and safcon and somehow i doubt it, let me talk to some guys who know more that I do and revert.
But I agree on your sentiments on the eabl vs castle battle.

A flipshot of this is, can the trounced corporate not only make a comeback but also make its own killer strategy and also rise to the top?! I mean, just coz someone trounced you once doesn't mean you stay down for g.
#13 Posted : Wednesday, January 26, 2011 5:10:03 PM
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Barely half an year after jointly launching MKESHO with Safaricom, Equity Bank has decided to bolt from the product. Its not clear why the decision was taken but it appears to be post-signing dispute over revenue sharing. You will note that if one attempts to move cash from MKESHO account to MPESA, the delay runs into hrs. making it completely inffective for quick transacting. The product has been allowed to quetly die. James Mwangi has responded as follows;

(i)Launched a superior product with Orange money. In Equity bank ATMs halls and banking halls, MKESHO posters & desks have been replaced with Orange Money ones. JM took a swipe at the launch of Yucash, saying Equity doesnt sign 'exclusivity' agreements and it stands for 'financial inclusion'. No doubt this was aimed at Safcom

(ii)There is an aggressive drive towards recruiting Equity agents from shopkeepers, butchers and bars. This appears to be a direct answer for MPESA agents. In fact, in some towns green(safcom) is being painted Orange. This has started in Central Kenya. Anyone who has been to Othaya recently will no doubt have seen this.

(iii)In order to achieve (ii) above, the 'FLOAT' concept is being employed by EB ruthlessly. The agents have to post some float in order to facilitate deposits and withdrawals quite similar to MPESA. thisway, the capital employed is the agent's and not EB'S

Of course the verdict is still out on who takes the prize

#14 Posted : Wednesday, January 26, 2011 5:27:22 PM
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@Intelligentsia: It is the mark of how strong a business' leaders are if a company can recover from a trouncing by its competitors. I'm trying to think off the top of my head of a local company that has done this and only CIC comes to mind, though its problems were not due to competitor pressure!
#15 Posted : Wednesday, January 26, 2011 5:28:49 PM
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Zain vs. Safaricon - real application of Henry Kissinger's "Mad Dog" Theory. Louis IV used the same tact; they've caused a few ripples, they've created suspended terror. Who knows what they'll do next?
@ Sasha, true, EABL just might have bought large chunks of Castle stock to keep it out of the market #Conspiracy Theory
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Ric dees
#16 Posted : Wednesday, January 26, 2011 5:37:35 PM
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@Muganda Good stuff!!

In the never ending Cola Wars between Coke and Pepsi, has over time made a brilliant case study.
Well during the beginning of last decade, there were a lot of contamination scares in central Europe, esp belgium and France it was all over the media as a result Coke were loosing $3.4m per day.
Well your guess is as good as mine where this all begun, however in legal jargon by it's dominance in europe it was vulnerable to antitrust scrutiny.

Which is the more effective strategy?
* Geography focused structure.
* Product focused structure.

The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence; it is to act with yesterday's logic.
Ric dees
#17 Posted : Wednesday, January 26, 2011 6:00:25 PM
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i think to quite answer the question we need to look at Porter's Five Forces, which is a tool that helps us understand where power lies in a business situation, as well as help you understand the strength of your current competitive position, and the strenght of a position you are looking to move into.

Porter's Five forces
* Supplier power
* Buyer Power
* Competitive Rivalry
* Threat of Substitution
* Threat of New Entry

The greatest danger in times of turbulence is not the turbulence; it is to act with yesterday's logic.
#18 Posted : Wednesday, January 26, 2011 8:29:50 PM
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Anyone who can get his/her hands on a movie called exams will see how different business minds think under intense competition to beat the other.
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#19 Posted : Wednesday, January 26, 2011 8:32:38 PM
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Anyone who can get his/her hands on a movie called exams will see how different business minds think under intense competition to beat the other.
'They say money cannot buy me happiness but when i compare when i had none and now, i'm happier' Kevin O'leary
#20 Posted : Thursday, January 27, 2011 8:47:21 AM
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Is the idea to kill the competition or to win market share?

Indeed, is it to win market share or to make more profits?

Can one make more profits without winning market share or killing the competitors?
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