This company will fall just like the others which the company offloaded its share.
Look at MUMIAS what happened to it???
These companies were like GOLD MINE, yes, we used to call them that. But what are they being valued at now???
Some people like guru and vituvingi... don't know what they are dealing with.
Tena ati this guru guy, who pretends to be buying and selling like ni MAANDAZI.
I hope one of this fine days he buys or bought KPLC at ave. cost price of 23 - 25.
Then let me see when he will sell, considering up to 5% more brokerage costs.
One other thing I noticed and want to share.
If a company is so proud of it self and if their shareholders are there to stay, why are they selling their rights to NON SHAREHOLDERS???
this doesn't make sense! Even if its your company you wouldn't be selling to NON SHAREHOLDERS, WOULD YOU???
Sound that I love most: Is the ringing bell of Stock Market.