If every one could see that we have some bloated tummies of leaders it would be easy to sort out the problem once and for all. But the most succesfull way of keeping the power and pea on us is to ensure that they dont deliver what can improve kenyans lives rather ipoverish them with more tax, huge salaries, holding up necesarry bills and passing only what benefits them. By this they keep the majority of electlorate poor. When you are poor the only thing you are worried about is the next meal, medical bills and not some complex strategies for developing our institutions, infrastructure,markets, education,health sector which are the necesities to improve our lives. So we vote on the basis of who is from our tribe, more monied to pay us for his/her campaign and so on. The vicious cycle continues and the question continues for generations.
you canot preach to a poverty stricken and illitrate people how you are planning to deliver systems by which they can better their lives, they need instant cash to sort their immediate problems and that is where our so called leaders beat us. They are not a bunch of idiots but smart goons who know what they are doing. Its a sorry situation but the reality we are in
"The opportunity of a lifetime must be seized during the lifetime of the opportunity."