The fundamentals of our country are strong. Our stability is directly linked to implementation of political reforms. It is not about who is the leader,It is about,if whoever is the leader is doing the will of the people.
If Kibaki,RAO,Parliament,Kofi Annan,Courts,and the People just do whats the Country deserves of them,without anybody believing that they are more intelligent than the people then we would be on a path to breakthroughs.
Ie: MP's: Pay taxes,Allow free media,establish an elections commission,and become enablers for reforms instead of barriers
RAO: As Prime Minister he should solve Vision 2030 issues within the four walls of his office not inciting the people around the country. He should put his bad memories of 2007 elections behind him. He should know he is in governement and should discuss his concerns either in cabinet,in closed doors but not through the media
Kibaki: He should devolve power from the Presidency. Through a new constitution. He should team up with RAO and cut the ministries from 41 to 17. I am certain that no Kenyan will go to war because of a trimmed bloated cabinet. Revert the retirement clauses he just increased and let those civil servants retire so we can hire new blood. He should Fire Wako,Ali,Ruto,reform the police force,and just become serious on corruption.
Annan: He should just take his list to Hague. Procecute these people,get them relieved from Public service.
NGO's: The NGO's should stop cheerleading,They should start applying for Government jobs. We need reformers inside the government
Karua: She needs to begin the Official opposition in parliament. She should crown herself the Opposition leader because there is a vaccum
Courts: Start procecuting corruption cases and have some big names put in jail without bail. Ignore the criminals political influence
Church Leaders: To stop critisizing the government and to start praying for Rain. They should start programs for men against alcoholism,Start schools for orphans,focus on teaching youth good values,facilitate programs for healthy families,Raise their campaign on good morals and the Immolarity of corruption. They should lead their flocks to cultivate the face of God
The people: They should become more productive in day to day. Change their negative habits and strive to be better. They should keep watch of their leaders and to vow come 2012 they will vote for competent leaders.
If everybody played their as they are supposed to,we would be still be optimistic state