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#21 Posted : Saturday, October 02, 2010 11:31:24 AM
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I cannot miss to comment on such a thread.

The meaning of dara yeah is to caress, but it is generally used in a vulgar note...thus using it in a gospel song is just wrong. Remember in 1st Samuel when Saul was told to destroy the Amalekites and everything they own but Saul decided to keep some stuff with the pretext that he is "Keeping it for the Lord" and that was when he was told that obedience is better than sacrifice.

In general I agree with the thought that to say whether a song is good or bad can only be determined on a song by song basis. There are great gospels out there and for those conservatives you can watch Rauka on Citizen Sunday mornings to listen to people like Marion Shako, Eunice Njeri, Betty Bayo, Emmy Kosgey e.t.c.

I saw an interview with Diana Nduba (One of the Chit Chat guys from Mavuno) and she said she doesn't want to be known as a Christian musician but just as a musician, now that puts a lot of question marks on someone who calls herself a Christian.

Good music can only be determined by the content thus it comes in all kinds: Be it Lingala, Hip Hop, Kapungala, worship music, traditional worship (akina Munishi), ragga e.t.c. depending on the content...I can say the word content a million times
#22 Posted : Saturday, October 02, 2010 11:55:22 AM
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@mtu biz, I think bias against these songs is what blocks people from getting the message.Juliani's tracks have a similar message:abstinence, love for money,good Christian living...Daddy Owen-everything frm salvation, repentance and worship...Jimmi Gait-mainly dwels on blessings and encouragement(wakati wa kubarikiwa,huratiti) and also overcoming temptation(muhadhara).Have you listned to finje finje by Mr T?I doubt there can be message if this is not recognised as message.Or what kind of message are you expecting?
What a wicked man I am!The things I want to do,I don't do.The things I don't want to do I find myself doing
#23 Posted : Saturday, October 02, 2010 12:12:32 PM
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@ Kadonye

That some of these artist produce great gospel music I agree. I also agree that they do make some mistakes. As for Juliani he gets too blunt sometimes or gets off the point. In some interviews you might hear some gospel artists just talking about money and fame and not about God's impact. I believe that both you and mtu biz have a point, it is just that you are on the extremes i.e.

1. There is good gospel in our local circles...good, true, awesome fabulous GOSPEL music.

2. Some "gospel" artists are in it for money, fame, recognition e.t.c. thus don't represent true gospel.

This same trend repeats itself in everything, churches, pastors e.t.c. they all have some elements of truth and there are false prophets as predicted by the bible
#24 Posted : Saturday, October 02, 2010 12:38:06 PM
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@Akowally, I agree with your two points.Infact, if u read through all my posts on this thread you will see that they are the bottomline of what I'm saying.
What a wicked man I am!The things I want to do,I don't do.The things I don't want to do I find myself doing
#25 Posted : Saturday, October 02, 2010 2:41:07 PM
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@ mtu biz

Once upon a time children would learn all their values and 'ways' from their parents. Back then, parents used to raise their children.

Back then, we had one heavily censored television station and derived our entertainment from marbles, muwindo, kuduff gonaro bila orwaro, school yard fights, watoto ka chini, mills & boon, sidney sheldon and perry mason.

Kids nowadays got xbox, ps3, psp, dstv, internet, a gazillion tv channels, a gazillatrillion radio channels and publications out the wazoo.
A young mother once told me that her 8 month old daughter learnt to hold up a mobile phone to her ear and say "hallo", before she learnt to say mama or dada!

That is why parents are now the ones learning from their children.... trying to understand them. Because they never knew them to begin with.

Unless you recently checked in from Pluto, that's what we call the generation gap. It's been in existence from the Pleistocene Era to the 21st Century.

The only difference is the 21st century kid is bombarded with info. My son asked me about the birds and the bees while in middle primary - TO THIS DAY, MY DAD AND I HAVEN'T HAD THAT CONVERSATION.

One thing I discovered with this generation is that taking the "know-it-all" high road can lead to disastrous results. You may not agree with what they call entertainment BUT alienating them altogether is (IMHO) daft!

I almost slipped a disc when my ka-daughter came home excited one day and insisted she wanted to teach her old man some new dance called Bend Over. I don't approve of the dance or the lyrics, but by maintaining a tight bond with my little princess, I'm sure I can help her avoid some of life's potholes!
So nice that its nasty, so bangin' its busting,
So slick that its sick, so dope its disgusting!
#26 Posted : Saturday, October 02, 2010 7:50:52 PM
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@all the word dara has since metamorphosized to mean something totally different. It used to mean fondle in the vulgar way but its now mainstream to mean touch lightly and caringly. The message i get is that juliani now has a deep relationship with his faith and gives his bible lots of attention. I think the message resonates with his audience, coming from a former secular musician who used to sing about booze, partying and women.
Life is short. Live passionately.
#27 Posted : Monday, October 04, 2010 2:07:02 PM
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the bottomline is....is the music inspired by the holy spirit??
Sina Signature. NKT
Mtu Biz
#28 Posted : Monday, October 04, 2010 2:19:48 PM
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msotoville wrote:

Unless you recently checked in from Pluto, that's what we call the generation gap. It's been in existence from the Pleistocene Era to the 21st Century.

C&P Wikipedia

The generational gap is and was a term popularized in Western countries during the 1960s referring to differences between people of a younger generation and their elders, especially between a child and their parent's generation.

Pleistocene Era.... i don't think so.
Sola Scriptura

#29 Posted : Monday, October 04, 2010 2:46:44 PM
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kelele.com wrote:
the bottomline is....is the music inspired by the holy spirit??

you could find out that yourself..ask Him..

God's ways aren't our ways..plus what gives one pesky human being credibility to judge what is done in the Name of God is Holy Sprit inspred or not?

Yeah..The Holy Bible teaches to "test the spirits/prophecies to know whether they are of God..but gives no room for judging/condemin..

whatever we think..we cannot exist in a spiritual vacuum and if you can do better than Juliani..please go do it and stop being a sadducee/pharasee.. no wonder they crucified Jesus.
..Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven...Matt5:16
- 1769 Oxford King James Bible 'Authorized Version
#30 Posted : Monday, October 04, 2010 3:25:20 PM
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ProverB wrote:
kelele.com wrote:
the bottomline is....is the music inspired by the holy spirit??

you could find out that yourself..ask Him..

God's ways aren't our ways..plus what gives one pesky human being credibility to judge what is done in the Name of God is Holy Sprit inspred or not?

Yeah..The Holy Bible teaches to "test the spirits/prophecies to know whether they are of God..but gives no room for judging/condemin..

whatever we think..we cannot exist in a spiritual vacuum and if you can do better than Juliani..please go do it and stop being a sadducee/pharasee.. no wonder they crucified Jesus.

and what if he had asked Him? please dont purport to be Gods' spokesperson.

we should ask ourselves this, is the 'gospel' music directing us to God? after listening to it, do we feel an urge to turn back to God? to pray?

or is it just merely telling us how the singer is close to his / her God? and or how he / she was 'blessed' (in all conceivable contexts) by his / her God?

so the question is still valid and stands, is the music inspired by the Holy Spirit? or is it just the singers' own inspiration?
#31 Posted : Monday, October 04, 2010 3:29:59 PM
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My observation is that Music has lost taste. Gone are the days when Gospel music inspired, taught, blessed and encouraged christians.
Music from Shari Martin, Kwaya ya uinjilisti ya Mwanza, etc was real music.
Same case applies to secular music. Les Wanyika, Manglepa, Kasongo, Aziz abdi Kilambo, Franco, Bilia Bell, Shala Mwana, Kakai Kilonzo etc was real music.
#32 Posted : Monday, October 04, 2010 4:40:18 PM
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Abunuasi wewe yako sasa ni Uzee
Mtu Biz
#33 Posted : Monday, October 04, 2010 6:25:50 PM
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poundfoolish wrote:
Abunuasi wewe yako sasa ni Uzee

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
Sola Scriptura

#34 Posted : Monday, October 04, 2010 6:44:41 PM
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poundfoolish wrote:
Abunuasi wewe yako sasa ni Uzee

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly
Nevermind what haters say, ignore them til they fade away - Just live your life
#35 Posted : Tuesday, October 05, 2010 10:07:18 AM
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@Yesuwangu, message iko.I wonder which message you're looking for.Do we enlist services of kenyalyrics to get all the lyrics here?A song like Pamela, will u stil poke holes in it?Instead of encouraging content you are engaging in religious pontification.We are urged in the Bible to encourage one another with psalms,hymns and spiritual songs.
What a wicked man I am!The things I want to do,I don't do.The things I don't want to do I find myself doing
Mtu Biz
#36 Posted : Tuesday, October 05, 2010 2:14:19 PM
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kadonye wrote:
@Yesuwangu, message iko.I wonder which message you're looking for.Do we enlist services of kenyalyrics to get all the lyrics here?A song like Pamela, will u stil poke holes in it?Instead of encouraging content you are engaging in religious pontification.We are urged in the Bible to encourage one another with psalms,hymns and spiritual songs.

@ Kadonye

The question of source of inspiration is very subjective in any art form, you cannot hope to find the source of inspiration in a song simply by looking at the lyrics or even the 'message'.

The source of inspiration is almost always....experienced.

You cannot listen rose muhandos music and not consider its message with some seriousness, weather you are a christian/saved or not.

Pamela or Jimi gaits rags to riches stories may have the 'positive message' aspect but are wanting in depth of inspiration.

You see when warren buffet speaks about money.. his whole life is behind his words it doesn't matter if he is grammatical or sounds smart or dresses the part... he speaks from inspiration from truth.

When a Harvard finance professor speaks about money. It is theoretical and dead

In the same way, when rose muhando sings praises to God. You subjectively 'get' the inspiration behind her lyrics, her relationship and awe of God is almost transmitted to the listener.
When Jimmi Gait sings about ...well becoming a sonko... the 'message' may be there but the sender is not God.

That is why some 'gospel' music makes easy listening for a drunken crowd.

A positive message does not constitute the gospel.

Sola Scriptura

#37 Posted : Tuesday, October 05, 2010 2:40:50 PM
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Mtu Biz wrote:
kadonye wrote:
@Yesuwangu, message iko.I wonder which message you're looking for.Do we enlist services of kenyalyrics to get all the lyrics here?A song like Pamela, will u stil poke holes in it?Instead of encouraging content you are engaging in religious pontification.We are urged in the Bible to encourage one another with psalms,hymns and spiritual songs.

@ Kadonye

The question of source of inspiration is very subjective in any art form, you cannot hope to find the source of inspiration in a song simply by looking at the lyrics or even the 'message'.

The source of inspiration is almost always....experienced.

You cannot listen rose muhandos music and not consider its message with some seriousness, weather you are a christian/saved or not.

Pamela or Jimi gaits rags to riches stories may have the 'positive message' aspect but are wanting in depth of inspiration.

You see when warren buffet speaks about money.. his whole life is behind his words it doesn't matter if he is grammatical or sounds smart or dresses the part... he speaks from inspiration from truth.

When a Harvard finance professor speaks about money. It is theoretical and dead

In the same way, when rose muhando sings praises to God. You subjectively 'get' the inspiration behind her lyrics, her relationship and awe of God is almost transmitted to the listener.
When Jimmi Gait sings about ...well becoming a sonko... the 'message' may be there but the sender is not God.

That is why some 'gospel' music makes easy listening for a drunken crowd.

A positive message does not constitute the gospel.

@ Mtu Biz, right on the mark and very well put.
#38 Posted : Tuesday, October 05, 2010 2:43:01 PM
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poundfoolish wrote:
Abunuasi wewe yako sasa ni Uzee

Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly Laughing out loudly smile
#39 Posted : Tuesday, October 05, 2010 2:59:10 PM
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In school we were taught about sacred music..now..is all gospel music we see around sacred??
Sina Signature. NKT
Sufficiently Philanga....thropic
#40 Posted : Tuesday, October 05, 2010 3:13:59 PM
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Brothers n sisters i implore us not to judge, for a there is only one judge, He who gave us the law. In James 4:12, it says ".........but who are u to judge." Some of these gospel songs might not appeal to us but remember the Julianis, Daddy Owens were called from the "world", raised, saved so that they could go back to the society they have come from to tell them in the language the society best understands the good news of salvation. Remember Jesus used to heal the sick, cast demons n send them to to tell their neighbours what the Lord has done to them, Luke 8:98-39. Like the man from Gerasenes from whom the demons had gone begged to stay with Jesus but He sent him away saying.."Return to your home n dec;are how much God has done for you, the Julianis of today are simply going back home to proclain what has hapened to them, in a way that both the society n them can understand. Each one of us has a duty to "Return home n proclaim the good news". Once we appreciate n internalise this, we will not spend time judging as we will be so busy spreading the good news back home!
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