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Pages za Bible
#1 Posted : Friday, October 01, 2010 4:20:43 PM
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listening to a gospel song that went "siku hizi nadara pages za bible"..............am trying to find whats so gospel in that song....some times I don't understand the contemporary gospel scene....iko na madowido mingi kuliko message!
The way I am
#2 Posted : Friday, October 01, 2010 4:38:28 PM
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And to think i was the only one with a problem with that song. We can not use already corrupted words in a gospel song that is just wrong.
#3 Posted : Friday, October 01, 2010 5:04:40 PM
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There is a gospel song where they sing, "....Ulevi ulevi ulevi...." almost seems like they are glorifying the act
#4 Posted : Friday, October 01, 2010 5:23:07 PM
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I never listen to them, thanks.
Those noise made by Daddy Owen and the ilk!!!
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Mtu Biz
#5 Posted : Friday, October 01, 2010 5:43:20 PM
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@ All.

I feel you. That is what i keep talking about. These songs you refer to are just labeled 'gospel' by the media and people who call themselves Christians.

The reality is that this music is not gospel music.

Gospel music is simply. Music inspired by the Holy Spirit to the glory of God.
Music that leaves you in awe of God.

This is the folly of the so called evangelical church bending over backwards so as to be "relevant" to the culture of the day and in the process, genuine Christianity is choked to death.

The Gospel has been reduced to some rags to riches story and endless seminars on how to get married or get wealthy......

let me stop here..... Not talking

Sola Scriptura

#6 Posted : Friday, October 01, 2010 6:22:20 PM
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Kuna ingine inaitwa ugali sosa na ni gospel.The singer anajiweka katika group ya singers wa nguvu.What happened to our gospel musician kina shri martin,who could give you message,tune na tone in one pack.
Advice is like snow.The softer it lands the harder is sticks.
#7 Posted : Friday, October 01, 2010 7:00:03 PM
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For true life touching gospel stick to the hymns or your vernacular songs that come straight from the heart. Ruth Wamuyu, Hezeh Ndungu, Rose Muhando, Owalango eshialo. Hata kama husikii kinachosemwa you will know that God's message is in that song. Sample this:


#8 Posted : Friday, October 01, 2010 7:13:21 PM
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I also find some of their dance moves and dressing styles very provocative. Though i'm not 'saved' i wouldn't leave the house dressed like some of those females i see in those videos
#9 Posted : Friday, October 01, 2010 7:50:09 PM
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For you to be rich be a pastor
For u to be a celeb piga kelele and put the word God in it.
#10 Posted : Friday, October 01, 2010 7:53:05 PM
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I'm an apologist of this kind of music.However, I find it hard to defend pages za bible..But I'd lyk to disabuse you of the notion that every old track is good and every new thing is evil.For one, I dont believe hip hop, reggae,rock or other contemporary gospel music is evil per se.I'm of the opinion that such,just lyk any other song, should be analysed song by song objectively...But let's face it,some of us are very conservative.The likes who are still waiting for another Shari Martin.Granted,the guys music was great but that wasn't the end of good music!Even for those olden day music lovers there is stil a lot of songs by the likes of Eunice Njeri,Linda Orocha,Mercy Wairegi,Andy Mburu,the late Chibalonza, Muhando...the list is endless!I wonder why they dont get much airplay on tv but you can catch them on radio.
What a wicked man I am!The things I want to do,I don't do.The things I don't want to do I find myself doing
#11 Posted : Friday, October 01, 2010 8:13:48 PM
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marex wrote:
listening to a gospel song that went "siku hizi nadara pages za bible"..............am trying to find whats so gospel in that song....some times I don't understand the contemporary gospel scene....iko na madowido mingi kuliko message!

Siku hizi nadara pages za bible
mazee, nooo nooo
Hiakuwa hivo

I maybe the only 40 year old hip hop head on Wazua so let me enlighten you a mite.

Kudara is to caress; when Juliani reckons he caresses the pages of his bible, its a poetic reference to how familiar he is with his bible in a way that is unorthodox (haikuwa hivo).

Juliani is a bit of a poetic genius, much unlike his kapuka compadres. In the same song, the first stanza starts with the line;

Kila mtu anazaliwa na zeroes
Difference ni pahali decimal point iko!

BTW, as the father of a teenager, I find it rather authoritarian and demeaning the manner in which y'all trash the preferences of today's youngsters.
Kind of reminds me of my old man's 'antiquated' opinion of breakdance, windbreakers and converse hightops.smile

Please note, today's youngsters do not take the word of their elders as the gospel truth (which was pretty much the status quo in our day).
They comprise over 60% of our population. If I were you, I'd try to understand rather than castigate them.
So nice that its nasty, so bangin' its busting,
So slick that its sick, so dope its disgusting!
Mtu Biz
#12 Posted : Friday, October 01, 2010 8:22:25 PM
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Once upon a time children would learn all their values and 'ways' from their parents. Back then, parents used to raise their children.

Parents do not raise their children in this day, they just give birth to them, the raising is taken care of at 3k a month by the mboch, then the Telly takes over from her.

That is why parents are now the ones learning from their children.... trying to understand them. Because they never knew them to begin with.

Sola Scriptura

#13 Posted : Friday, October 01, 2010 8:27:32 PM
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A quick analysis:Juliani-good punchlines has message but mixes up different messages in the same track.Songs basically rotate around the same themes.Lots of misplaced words...Daddy Owen-the guy has grown.His music is different from what it was 6yrs back.Has a few meaningles phrases...Mr T- good with message and beats...Jimi Gait...nice message catchy beats but repetitive themes...I can go on and on ad infnitum but let's not forget some are not doing it for the love of God, but money and fame.I know one buddy from campo who never gave a hoot about religious stuff til it hit him he could make money from the gospel.He's not high flying yet but could go far
What a wicked man I am!The things I want to do,I don't do.The things I don't want to do I find myself doing
#14 Posted : Friday, October 01, 2010 8:44:35 PM
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@Mtu biz, msoto is a bad parent just coz he listens to hip hop?He's impressed me because he analyses lyrics first before making slanderous accusations like most people here...To all the Christian conservatives, John Gatu, the retired PCEA head recently gave an interview on radio.He said that instruments like the guitar and drums were considered sinful in his heyday...Show me a church that holds on to this today!
What a wicked man I am!The things I want to do,I don't do.The things I don't want to do I find myself doing
Mtu Biz
#15 Posted : Friday, October 01, 2010 8:47:26 PM
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@ Kadonye.

What constitutes a 'good message' in your post above? The question is, can what is being produced by these artists be called gospel music ?

It can be called many things but do not call it gospel music.

Im not against the style by the way, hip hop artists like Lecrae and Evangel represent the true Gospel.

A non believer would be stirred in the heart from a song by rose muhando, you would never hear drunkards mindlessly belting out any of her lyrics.

Sola Scriptura

Mtu Biz
#16 Posted : Friday, October 01, 2010 8:53:08 PM
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@ Kadonye.

I did not call Msotoville a bad parent. Read my post above i was talking to msotoville and comparing parenting in general as it was done before and as it is (not) done today.

And before here means before my parents generation.. (traditional african society) LOL!

Sola Scriptura

#17 Posted : Friday, October 01, 2010 11:52:05 PM
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#18 Posted : Saturday, October 02, 2010 12:18:04 AM
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Nice topic this one
On pages za Bible; I grew up knowing kudara is simply being caught, we would say amedarwa akidoro class=caught napping in class.
It also ment more of being caught by police....when you hear amedarwa, you know where to find him/her.
It so happpens that the World and the early church takes up from each other quite a lot..... for instance some of the good old hymns were traditional,secular songs..... in kenya, a kid born post millenia wouldn't know 'mapambano or yote yawezekana' were powerful xtian songs..

Rock n Roll was spiritual 1800's, negro xtian culture, meaning the feeling of being rocked n rolled by the spirit (see wikipedia) before long it was a music genre mostly associated with some darkness.

I've been around from the time churches started praying for some positive xtian music to take over Kenya. The success has been to much too fast inviting impostors and also getting diluted.
I once complained about some of our gospel music being too secular to which a young parent aptly quiped...

"Id rather my daughter listened to them, than to Eminem or nonini"
I got a/the point.

So 'pages za bible would very much depend on how the word 'dara' was introduced to you .
Is it is it innocent 'caught' or invoking thoughts of erotic caresses, is it physical touch but deep to the heart...
It is also on the poetic side of juliani.....
Sometimes I see how careful and gently grandmas, they of (grand)Mothers Guild/(grand)Mothers Union, as they imbibe the Holy Scriptures..... and I can swear, as they go thru verse by verse into chapters and next page, that is not just turning pages, they are gentle,kind touches with their fingure tips, whispering. they are Caressing...wana dara hizo pages

Read songs of songs, talk to Pete Odera .....
#19 Posted : Saturday, October 02, 2010 8:27:18 AM
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we can deduce that gospel music has taken the place of contempo' music. Does kanji, chizi, juliani sing gospel or contempo
#20 Posted : Saturday, October 02, 2010 11:20:15 AM
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Those are born again musicians who do/earn a living through music. Similarly we have born again lawyers, engineers etc
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