I was allocated the 200,000 shares I wanted of KCB through the rights. Got some 10000 odd lot premium rights at 0.05 and asked for 190000 shares off the rack. I spent about 500 shillings on the premium rights and zero on the additional rights. In short, it was actually like getting 200,000 KCB shares at 17/= each. Am not chest thumbing here. I promised some guys here a crate of beer or goat if the share hits 25 shillings. Remind me when this happens. The quandary for me here is actually whether to sell at 25 or be in long term. I need some cash to tour the world.
Watched "DayBreakers" over the weekend and it gave me ideas.
Go overdrive in purchasing the goods when there's blood on the streets, expecially if the blood is your own