Do I like KPLC at 240/-? Yes
Did I like KPLC much more at 180/-? 200/- [Yes]
@alikuja - I agree with you... I am AGAINST the so-called Capital Restructuring that excites people here!
Split - I support [Makes very little difference to the Capital Structure]
Bonus - I support [Makes very little difference to the Capital Structure]
Rights - I am ambivalent unless it is at a huge discount [180/-] Plus I would need to find some cash!
Conversion - I oppose it unless it is at 300/- or higher. I would rather convert the Preference Shares to Debt & pay GoK.
Debt - I am disappointed KPLC is not taking on more debt to fund expansion. KPLC has a strong balance sheet. Plenty of cashflow. Ring-fence the cashflow & issue low-priced medium to long-term debt!
Greedy when others are fearful. Very fearful when others are greedy - to paraphrase Warren Buffett