Kitco Metals eConference
September 12 and 13, 2010
The Bull & Bear Financial Report is pleased to invite you to be our guest at the Kitco Metals eConference on Sunday and Monday, September 12 and 13, 2010.
Attend online from the comfort of your home or office and communicate in real time with executives from some of the best performing gold, silver and base metals companies. Also attend presentations by the industry's top mining analysts, fund managers and successful metals investors from around the world to find the best opportunities in Gold and the Metals.
Attendance is free. Just click here to register. Log in on September 12 to attend scheduled Chat Sessions, Q&A periods with the Editors and Featured Speakers, and to qualify for Prizes and Activities. To see the program and preview the show visit
Here is a partial list of Speakers:
Congressman Ron Paul Keynote Speaker!
Congressman Ron Paul of Texas enjoys a national reputation as the premier advocate for liberty in politics today. Dr. Paul is the leading spokesman in Washington for limited constitutional government, low taxes, free markets, and a return to sound monetary policies.
James Dines Keynote Speaker!
James Dines is an investment analyst, author, and publisher of The Dines Letter, one of the oldest and most well-known investment newsletters. Known as "The Original Gold Bug" and more recently as "The Original Rare Earth Bug".
Dr. Marc Faber Keynote Speaker!
Best known for the Gloom Boom & Doom Report newsletter he has published since 1990, Dr. Faber is an investment analyst and entrepreneur.
Frank Holmes Keynote Speaker!
Frank Holmes is CEO and Chief Investment Officer of U.S. Global Investors, Inc., a boutique investment advisory firm specializing in gold, natural resources, emerging markets and global infrastructure opportunities.
Dr. Michael Berry
Dr. Michael Berry is a pioneer in the emerging field of "discovery investing." He researches and writes on companies that focus on discovery in natural resources, high technology and biotech. Previously, he successfully managed small and mid cap value funds.
David and Eric Coffin
David Coffin, the "geology side" of Hard Rock Analyst Publications, has been active in prospecting, resource calculation and feasibility studies for resource companies for 29 years. He has authored numerous qualifying reports and managed and designed many field programs.
Eric Coffin is responsible for the "financial analysis" side of HRA and holds a degree in Corporate and Investment Finance and has extensive experience in merger and acquisitions and small company financing and promotion. Eric also tracks the financial performance and funding of all exchange listed Canadian mining stocks.
Brent Cook
Brent Cook is an Exploration Analyst and Geologist, and the author of Exploration Insights, a mining and exploration investment letter. He has over 25 years of experience providing economic and geologic evaluations to major mining companies, resource funds and investors.
John Hathaway
Mr. Hathaway manages the Tocqueville Gold Focus Fund, Tocqueville Gold Fund, Tocqueville Gold Offshore Fund, Tocqueville Gold Partners, and separately managed accounts for individual and institutional clients following a gold strategy.
Joe Martin
Joseph Martin is founder and Chairman of Cambridge House International Inc., a world leader in producing resource investment conferences. In addition, Mr. Martin applies his extensive experience with exploration companies and his knowledge of investor and industry needs to create a wide range of resource development opportunities and projects.
David Morgan
David Morgan started investing in the stock market as a teenager. He holds degrees in finance and economics as well as engineering. He publishes The Morgan Report, a monthly newsletter focused on economic news, the global economy, currency issues and precious metals investing. Mr. Morgan is one of the top authorities on the subject of silver investing.
Jon Nadler
Jon Nadler is Metals Market Analyst and PR Head for Kitco. His thirty three year professional career has focused exclusively on precious metals and he has consulted on marketing and product development issues to government mints, precious metals retailers, as well as to trade and membership organizations, such as the World Gold Council.
Lawrence Roulston
Lawrence Roulston is the editor and publisher of Resource Opportunities, a monthly newsletter devoted to discovering value and opportunities in the resource sector.
Rick Rule
Rick Rule is the founder of Global Resource Investments, Ltd. He began his career in the securities business in 1974, and has been principally involved in natural resource security investments ever since. He is a leading American retail broker, specializing in mining, energy, water utilities, forest products and agriculture.
Puru Saxena
Puru Saxena is the founder of Puru Saxena Wealth Management, and a registered investment advisor and money manager with the SFC of Hong Kong. Mr. Saxena conducts in-depth macro-economic research, formulates investment strategy and manages discretionary investment portfolios for his firm. He also edits and publishes the widely read economic report, Money Matters.
Jay Taylor
Jay Taylor is editor of J Taylor's Gold & Technology Stocks newsletter. His interest in the role gold has played in U.S. monetary history led him to research gold and into analyzing and investing in junior gold shares.
Attend the Kitco Metals eConference from any computer. Visit The Bull & Bear's booth for a Special Offer. Sign up today!!
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