Google's Next Act
Rank: Elder Joined: 9/15/2006 Posts: 3,906
Fortune magazine at the newsstand claims Google is now an old company, and the rate of growth has slowed down. Despite all the hard work 91% of revenues come from Search and 99% of profits from the same old search. A company achieves stratospheric heights when they can innovate the second time: - Microsoft from DOS to Office - Apple from Mac to iTunes/iPod/iPhone. It prooves that they are able to replicate the ingredients of success. So Google has worked so hard to acquire YouTube, develop GMail, create Google Apps, Android/Nexus One... But the big question remains Is Google Over?Excerpt: Consider the case of American graduate student James Buck. Egyptian police detained Buck for taking photographs of a protest in a city outside Cairo. Using his cellphone and his Twitter account, Buck broadcast a single word, "arrested." Buck's network alerted officials at the University of California at Berkeley, who ultimately got the U.S. State Department and a local lawyer involved. Buck was out of jail in 24 hours. Try that with a keyword search.
Rank: Member Joined: 11/20/2008 Posts: 367
@Mugunda, that is true but a WSJ article, and one from Motley say that the company is gearing up for cloud computing. In fact the article says that Google is one of the companies that are building colossal data storage centers in secret locations. I may not write it off just yet.
Rank: Elder Joined: 7/26/2007 Posts: 6,514
Cloud is the future, and there are few visible contenders to compete with Google on that. Apple has had every opportunity, but their focus of controlling your content has really limited them in this line. I think they are the only other players. Business opportunities are like buses,there's always another one coming
Rank: Elder Joined: 9/7/2010 Posts: 2,148 Location: elderville
What is this cloud computing malarkey? He who can express in words the ardour of his love, has but little love to express. - Petrach, Son. (That men by various ways arrive at the same end. - Montaigne, The Essays of.)
Rank: Member Joined: 11/20/2008 Posts: 367
@Elder, malarkey, dude if you've not heard of cloud computing, you should be called Ancient. But seriously this is the biggest threat to companies such as Microsoft, Oracle and even some hardware companies.
Rank: Elder Joined: 9/15/2006 Posts: 3,906
Though techies would like to differentiate between mainframes and cloud computing, isn't it interesting how 50 years later we seem to be preferring main processing to be done in central locations effectively rendering our computers to some form of dumb terminals?
I agree with @KulaRaha, cloud computing is the future. Major providers of cloud computing however include Microsoft, Salesforce, Amazon, and Google. Microsoft has Azure (windows), Business Productivity Online (Exchange, SharePoint, Live Meeting), Service Provider Licensing (SPLA)
Rank: Elder Joined: 7/26/2007 Posts: 6,514
Problem with Microsoft is that they dont do the internet particularily well (just like Apple). This will limit them when it comes to cloud. Amazon is a great company.....Ive not ehard of Salesforce. Business opportunities are like buses,there's always another one coming
Rank: Elder Joined: 9/7/2010 Posts: 2,148 Location: elderville
the sage wrote:@Elder, malarkey, dude if you've not heard of cloud computing, you should be called Ancient. But seriously this is the biggest threat to companies such as Microsoft, Oracle and even some hardware companies. I have heard of this cloudy stuff it is just it has been the future for so long that ni tu kama ile Arsenal young team of the future au Liverpool's it is our year to win the league. He who can express in words the ardour of his love, has but little love to express. - Petrach, Son. (That men by various ways arrive at the same end. - Montaigne, The Essays of.)
Rank: Elder Joined: 11/13/2008 Posts: 1,565
the sage wrote:@Elder, malarkey, dude if you've not heard of cloud computing, you should be called Ancient. But seriously this is the biggest threat to companies such as Microsoft, Oracle and even some hardware companies. Quite the contrary - for SW companies its about a different delivery model and for HW companies its a plus in many regards...
Rank: Elder Joined: 11/13/2008 Posts: 1,565
@Muganda - you ask if Google is over - the link you provide however relates to the search engine battle - which quite frankly has been won by Google...and they are opening new fronts to the war...mobile and applications (SaaS). Not sure if you use Google Chrome, Gtalk, gmail, Google Docs - all those are basic examples of SaaS - but free SaaS.
1 - Operating System and desktop - The idea is to evolve Chrome into an operating system so you can just buy a basic machine without an OS and as long as you have the internet - you can do your wordprocessing, spreadsheeting, chatting (and VoiP), search, emailing, scheduling and collaboration, etc....the OS war will then be won....exit Microsoft
2 - Mobile - you must have read about all the buzz relating to Android - the Google mobile operating system. Its uptake is phenomenal - currently Windows Mobile is about less than 2% of all mobile operating systems (Android, Symbian) are other examples. In the mobile front, Google also hass its own handset - Google Nexus. Think about this - if you have ever used Skype or Gtalk or Yahoo to have a VoiP Call - if on google nexus or an Android based phone, and with 3G tech becoming more pervasive, you can have a Gtalk voice conversation - free - just the data costs - so you can chat with your Aunt/Brother/Friend in Antarctica at the fraction of the cost.
No...Google has just sunk its teeth in and is starting to chew on other players....
Rank: Elder Joined: 9/7/2010 Posts: 2,148 Location: elderville
Djinn wrote:@Muganda - you ask if Google is over - the link you provide however relates to the search engine battle - which quite frankly has been won by Google...and they are opening new fronts to the war...mobile and applications (SaaS). Not sure if you use Google Chrome, Gtalk, gmail, Google Docs - all those are basic examples of SaaS - but free SaaS.
1 - Operating System and desktop - The idea is to evolve Chrome into an operating system so you can just buy a basic machine without an OS and as long as you have the internet - you can do your wordprocessing, spreadsheeting, chatting (and VoiP), search, emailing, scheduling and collaboration, etc....the OS war will then be won....exit Microsoft
2 - Mobile - you must have read about all the buzz relating to Android - the Google mobile operating system. Its uptake is phenomenal - currently Windows Mobile is about less than 2% of all mobile operating systems (Android, Symbian) are other examples. In the mobile front, Google also hass its own handset - Google Nexus. Think about this - if you have ever used Skype or Gtalk or Yahoo to have a VoiP Call - if on google nexus or an Android based phone, and with 3G tech becoming more pervasive, you can have a Gtalk voice conversation - free - just the data costs - so you can chat with your Aunt/Brother/Friend in Antarctica at the fraction of the cost.
No...Google has just sunk its teeth in and is starting to chew on other players....
Wasn't that Nexus project discontinued by Google? He who can express in words the ardour of his love, has but little love to express. - Petrach, Son. (That men by various ways arrive at the same end. - Montaigne, The Essays of.)
Rank: Elder Joined: 11/13/2008 Posts: 1,565
Elder wrote:Wasn't that Nexus project discontinued by Google? No. Just the distribution of the device, which was manufactured by HTC...otherwise its there.
Rank: Member Joined: 12/2/2009 Posts: 161 Location: nairobi
GoogleKenya is in town from Monday to Wednesday http://sitescontent.google.com/gkenya/
Yesterday developers who showed prowess designing a guest book were given NexusOne as the prize.
Rank: Elder Joined: 7/26/2007 Posts: 6,514
Andriod is currently the best selling smartphone os in the US. It overtook Apples iOS Business opportunities are like buses,there's always another one coming
Rank: Member Joined: 11/20/2008 Posts: 367
@Djinn, will the PC with the 20G+ hard drive and all still be relevant given that data is to be stored in servers and will Google docs overtake MS Office?
Rank: Elder Joined: 9/15/2006 Posts: 3,906
@Djinn, actually the question was posed (as written) in the Cover Page of Fortune available in bookstands.
The argument was that if growth in Search was a thing of the past, for Google to maintain its position (as opposed to becoming a laggard like Microsoft, Yahoo) it needs a new game changer...
Realise Google has made 99% net profit from the same thing since 2001. The same can't be said for Apple/Microsoft etc. But on a positive note, it did take a whole 5 years before they learnt they could make money from Search anyway.
Rank: Veteran Joined: 7/8/2008 Posts: 947
muganda wrote:@Djinn, actually the question was posed (as written) in the Cover Page of Fortune available in bookstands.
The argument was that if growth in Search was a thing of the past, for Google to maintain its position (as opposed to becoming a laggard like Microsoft, Yahoo) it needs a new game changer...
Realise Google has made 99% net profit from the same thing since 2001. The same can't be said for Apple/Microsoft etc. But on a positive note, it did take a whole 5 years before they learnt they could make money from Search anyway.
Google made 99% of profit from adwords and adsense which have been linked to all their websites from gmail to search to their blogs and anything google. They need all the websites to make that money. They do not need to re invent the wheel but they are making the wheel smaller through the android. That is going to maintain and increase their revenue. Another reason why google is no where near dead is tha barage of useful things you can do with google. Research using google scholar, look up books on google books, use google sketch instead of autocad, directions use google maps and the list goes on. Google is so ingrained in our live you wont know what to do with out it. It is similar to microsoft office. Then their is the cloud computing since they are so good at everything you can trust them with whatever your company does. They already have the application your company uses. I think the small bits and pieces that google apart from the search all have the potential of being the next big thing or for launching their next big thing. Example google talk that was linked to my gmail is so much better than skype that i now rarely use skype and im always on talk and making calls to states cellphone and landline is free free free. I've switched from skype to google talk because of gmail.
Rank: Elder Joined: 9/7/2010 Posts: 2,148 Location: elderville
Djinn wrote:Elder wrote:Wasn't that Nexus project discontinued by Google? No. Just the distribution of the device, which was manufactured by HTC...otherwise its there. Ahsante. He who can express in words the ardour of his love, has but little love to express. - Petrach, Son. (That men by various ways arrive at the same end. - Montaigne, The Essays of.)
Rank: Member Joined: 10/9/2009 Posts: 311
There is nothing wrong with doing ONE THING and innovating around it for decades as long as there is an insatiable demand for it. Citigroup has been offering financial services for 200 years. They still do - just a little more efficiently with a bunch of extra services to keep up with the times. In the absence of a major screw up, Google Search/Adwords/Adsense will be a cash cow for a while. Google Search has 60-70% market share in the US and 80-85% worldwide. It is only in China where they are not number 1. Yahoo and Bing are unofficially dead even after they somewhat joined forces. Think about the number of websites you go to today that have a Google Ads link. Start with Wazua. http://www.google.com/corporate/tenthings.html (Especially number 2) And @muganda, last I checked Twitter had still not figured out how to turn a profit. Not sure Facebook is doing well on the money front either. Katika Jangwa la Jangili ndipo Pwagu hupata Pwaguzi.
Rank: Veteran Joined: 4/16/2010 Posts: 906 Location: Nairobi
It's a waste of time to speculate on a collapse by either Google, or Microsoft. Those 2 companies have such solid fundamentals, they could be run by a cat for 5 years and still come out strong.
Google's Next Act
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