passiveinvestor wrote:tony stark wrote:passiveinvestor wrote:Thank you "My 2 cents". It seems a few of the other respondents' concept of background research is reading the most current stock price and guessing if it's high or low...
Let the sleeping dogs lie!!
You are an idiot! I guess that is why you are a passive investor!
Use the Investment tab all the shares have historical data!!!
tony stark
As a new investor, I am willing to admit when I do something stupid - or "idiotic" as you so eloquently put it. Nor am I adverse to asking obvious, basic questions. But pray tell, which "Investment" tab are you talking about and on which website?
you quote " a few of the other respondents concept of background research is reading recent stock price" na wewe ndio haujui how to use wazua to look at history.
Okay lets start open your internet browser( i hope you know what that it). Type
Once the page loads depending on how long it takes look at the coloured tabs below the logo. the investor tab is blue. Click on it. On teh side of that page their is another blue tab called services and tools which is also blue. There you will get a large number of tools that can help a "new"( have you been new since 2008 when you joined stockskenya) investor who thinks the people who were contributing had no idea how to determine if prices are high or low.
For history go to stock profiler and you will get the history on prices some going up to 10 years.
So dear passive investor wewe ni fala and looking down on people who have more info than you is not wise.
If you are colour blind pole if you dont understand english then the instructions I gave you will not be helpful and my insult will not sting.