KenyanLyrics wrote:1. On Opera Mini, Wazua's pagination is flawed
When surfing on Opera Mini, pressing the "Previous Page" or "Next Page" arrows results in the browser going to the next/previous page 'but one.'
2. E-mail change verification doesn't work
When you try to change your e-mail address, Wazua tells you that you need to click a link and enter a verification code somewhere. But when you click the link, there's nowhere to input the verification code.
Solve these problems.
Haiya, I sometimes use Opera Mini to surf Wazua on my cell and it works fantastic. Both the old version of Opera Mini and the latest version I recently installed work well on my cell with Wazua. Pengine ni simu yako iko na shida.
Set out to correct the world's wrongs and you will most certainly wind up adding to them.