This is definately a misinformed move.CFC will never suceed in this market reason being;
1.You need atleast a current account to access a biz loan with this bank.The minimum fee for a current account is 350 unbundled product,450 for the bundled product not to mention Shs.170 over the counter withdrawals and other bank and equity charge way below this.
2.To access a loan you need to produce audited accounts for atleast one year.How many the small biz have these requirements.
3.lending rates are still between 17-23 p.c.Of course to get @ 17 p.c you need to have a stable job if working or a biz that has been having good turnovers in previous yrs.
Compare that with equity /family bank which gives loans to the mama bogas without imposing those tight conditions and you'll understand why the retail market won't be a success.
''i can calculate the motion of heavenly bodies,but not the madness of people''-Isaac Newton